
Azule is a mostly ruraly system, mainly a pit stop from Mordana to deeper into Pacifica. Most of its population are scattered along the formal temples and abandoned civilazations that dot the surface.    The planet is resource poor, at least in the profitable resources. The ecodiversity and chemical compounds found on Azule are unlike anywhere else. Specifically, the ashegrove trees, that spiral thousands of meters into the air. They are unique, because they demonstrate the capacity to absorb and thrive off of the radiation that choked the planet. These trees absorbed it, producing nutrients and oxygen as a byproduct. The trees can also be harvested, producing a strong irradiated wood. These woods are known to craft some of the most dangerous weapons, protective armor, or other unique properties. Some believe Azule has a strong connection to the "Filament" of the galaxy, and the Be'Teu Order maintains a few monastaries here.


Most of the surface of Azule might be somewhat considered akin to Earth during the jurrasic period of its existance. The planet is coverd in thick jungles, with massive plants following the example of the ashegrove trees. Massive rivers wind throughout the planet, creating a natural network of pathways regularly utilized by the local human population.    Floods are regular during the monsoon season, so villages are built up high. Some are built along ashegrove gardens, or nested within a mountain. Some float along the rivers themselves, rising and falling with the seasons.


Azule is a wet, rainy, and humid world. Rainfalls regularly on the surface, a byproduct of the ashgrove trees and their slow repair of the atmosphere of Azule. Rainfall is regular throughout the planet. The planet's temprature is steadily warm, and the seasons mostly go between the monsoon season, or the dry season. During the dry season many of the locals hold festivals, emerging from their towns to harvest and celebrate.


Azule was once a greatly populated world, thriving as a trade hub during the Age of Exploration. Great cities sprung up, and a local government thrived as a republic. However, Azule was targeted by the Colonial Earth Empire during the Crusades. Azule was occupied by the Empire, however regular rebellion plagued their forces. When the rebel forces bombed four carriers in orbit, and then killed an imperial noble visiting the planet, the empire responded by bombing the planet.   Nuclear warheads pummeled the surface of Azule, wiping out a majority of its population. When they were finished glassing the surface, the Imperial fleet retreated, as their response led to several planets in Free Space suddenly banding together their fleets as they began to form the start of the Red Sun Syndicates  The population was left to squalor, on a planet choked with radiation. For decades, members of the Be'Teu Order quiet literally planted the seeds of regrowth on Azule. Scientists of the order helped cultivate and implement the very first ashegrove trees. The botanists were inspired by the massive trees found on Tu'Kor. These trees proliferiated, and after several hundred years, the radiation subsided greatly, and the atmosphere of the planet was restored.    Because of this, the Be'Teu order remains highly revered by the local populace. The Order was able to build up several complex and well funded research monastaries. These monastaries remain some of the oldest known temples of the Order, dating back from before even the Age of Silence.
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