House of Glass

The House of Glass is one of the great Houses that has controlled the throne through several periods of histroy. They have a wide reaching economic power that is only rivaled by the likes of the House of Stars, and they treat the Stars as their chief rival.   They helped found House of Steel, who they still maintain a tenuous alliance with. The primary holding of the House of Glass is their investment into Morgol, a city that sees a great amount of income. This is due to Morgol being the endpoint of trade heading through both the Fasaryr Run and Felucia Trade Way, that wants to make its way into the Core Systems. The tithes collected off of this toll has given the House of Glass an incredible amount of wealth, which is funneled to the top of the house, and towards the High Lords of Temple.    

Houses Major

  • House Jiminea - With vested control over Morgol, House Jiminea claims heritage to a merchant family hailing from the core worlds. Their establishment of the Jiminea trading post on Morgol bought them their noble status, and eventually rose them to power aligned to the House of Glass as a whole. They still remain deeply invested directly in the transportation of Glass's goods around the Empire. They have a rivalry with House Waystar, and they constantly jockey for power within the House of Glass.
  • House Waystar - Media mogols with deep ties to the Colonial Security Bureau, House Waystar is in deep with the Fourth Column. They are constantly at odds with House Jiminea and House Umayyad.
  • House Umayyad - House Umayyad is one of the founding houses of the Glass, and the only remaining founder that is considered a House Major. The Umayyads are the last semblence of a monarchy that has remained. The other houses were bought out by the vast wealth that is controlled by Houses Waystar and Jiminea. The Umayyad's maintain control through their control of Temple and their close connections to the other ancient noble Houses Major.
Court, Noble
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Fourth Column

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