House of Stars

One the most storied families, it is rumored that the House of Stars originated on Earth and was one of the first families to join the Fourth Column that ushered in the new Colonial Earth Empire. They were also one of the first to split and form the backbone of the Absolutist Coalition.   Since then, House of Stars has boasted a decent amount of their lineages claiming the title of Grand Emperor including the current emperor, Drul Angmar, who finessed the support of the Imperial Navy, the Office of Imperial Security and various other corporate entities as well as leveraging his power in the media organization Waystar to snake this title out from his rivals in Imperial Nobility.   Drul Angmar is a shrewd Emperor, having gathered around him many psionically gifted augurs. He also has brought with him the traditional Praetorian Guard from his noble House, the Solar Hands.

Influence in the Empire

  The Stars have significant power within the Cirkadia Banking Guilds and Harrison Armory, where they compete in the corporate level for control of these huge financial industries. Among the Forum of Service, they find support in the Imperial Navy, as well as the Office of Imperial Security.   The House of Stars has a very tenuous alliance with the House of Flowers, on paper many of their family members intertwine through shared relationships in the Banking Guilds, royal marriages and various corpo-enterprises. Behind the scenes, various factions vie for power, and use the tension between the two great houses to rise in the ranks.   The House of Stars has a more aggressive relationship with the House of Moments, who they view as stoking the flames of fire underneath the rulership of Drul Angmar. They view the Fourth Column as radicals, and are one of the Houses that actively tries to subvert their influence.    


  House of Stars calls Reach its primary home. A beauty-planet, in a close jump distance from New Babylon. Here almost the entire population lives relatively worry free, benefiting from the colonial wealth plundered by the House of Stars military assets distributed between Stars' two primary holdings, Thraka and Voretz.   All day long, residents of the House of Stars are pelted with propoganda imploring their citizen to join up with the colonial efforts on these Mid Rim planets, and it is begining to work. Everyday, more and more citizens move to colonize the Mid Rim, promising a jump in Imperial Citizenship, and exceptional servants being granted titles of minor nobility.  

Minor Houses

  • House Angmar - House Angmar is a noble hereditary house that originates from Earth itself. The wealth and influence Angmar has accumulated has been milienia in the making. Power is carefully distributed through the rather large family, who engage in regular infighting and power struggles. Many in House Angmar are gifted with Psionic abilities, and find themselves serving with the Judicars. Drul Angmar is one of these, who spent time in the Judicars and has garnered the support of many of the Bishops. Their wealth and psionic influence has regularly kept the House of Stars in power on Reach.
  • House Khazmul - House Khazmul holds great power within the Ministry of the Imperial Secret Service, and within the intelligence community as a whole. Their power is derived from their webs of knowledge and great amount of wealth they hold invested in the Cirkadia Banking Guilds. Their assets have been seen regularly operating on Thraka, and they believe this will be key to their ascension to power within the House of Stars.


Stars has developed a reputation for the quality and the refined culture of its Lancers, Judicars and Naval Commanders, the most popular of who cultivate public personas, seeking to uphold the reputation of the house and the knightly virtues of bravery, honor, and piety. Their deeds in battle are extensively recorded, as is their attention to fashion, behavior, and piety.   Drul Angmar himself was a notably popular Judicar in his younger years. He served the Empire in the Core Systems, as a renowned negotiator for the larger houses, as well as a detective, routing out a terrorist plot that was supposedly going to be perpetrated by radical anti-imperial terrorists, saving the emperor of the time.   Many strive to become one of the three greater professions, and wish to serve out their time with honor, grace and strength. However, many are caught in moral conumdrums when they soon must face the realities of their colonial efforts in the Mid Rim. To counter this, the messages of grace and strenght are intertwined with Anthrochauvinism from an early age on Reach. The Stars very much view themselves as saviors, bringing the rest of a chaotic galaxy into the peace and stability of the Imperial authority.

The Guiding Star is Never Forgotten

Political, Family
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Army Regiment 
Stars Trooper Regiment
A Stars Trooper patrol on Thraka 

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