Lord Admiral Stelmane Remos

Stelmane grew up as a factory rat on Mystra. He saw the Imperial Navy as a means of getting off planet, and into a higher station of life. As soon as he could, the young Stelmane found himself at the Imperial Recruitment office, fleeing an abusive homelife. He tested extremely well, and was granted a chance at entrance to the Royal Naval Academy located on Monterey. He barely made the cut, and spent four years studying. He graduated with a comission, and was assigned to the Imperial 5th High Fleet. For three years, Stelmane fought in the Terminus Systems. He cut his teeth in the battles above Nimbam, not only against the Covenant of Man but as well as the Musura Federation.   He was a comms officer aboard a small imperial destroyer in those years, and ran into many close calls, all at the hands of Imperialist Radicals from the Grand Bastion. When he finally came back to the Panem Region, he was on his way to becoming a career navy man, and was moving his way up as an officer. When he was promoted to a captain, Stelmane was transferred to the Imperial 3rd High Fleet, and he made a good name for himself commanding an anti-piracy vessel in the Great Expanse. Stelmane also made connections to the Office of Imperial Security here, establishing himself as a shrewd and clever politico. His political aspirations did not merely end in the Great Expanse.   His popularity among his peers as well as his superiors, and his success as a skilled naval commander earned him a title of nobility from a member of the House of Moments. However, the Lord Admiral of the 3rd Fleet at the time felt threatened by this, and Remos was then transfered to Pacifica, under the Imperial 7th High Fleet. The 7th Fleet at this time was commanded by Lord Admiral Baron Isaac Townsend. Townsend was a minor noble of the House of Lanterns, and was poorly qualified. The Lord Baron left most of his day-to-day work to Remos. In his contempt for the noble, Remos saw the future of the empire under the control of the resurging Fourth Column. He got caught up with a collection of more radically inclined Imperial officers, ones who saw the over-extension of the nobility as a weakness, and that the real strength of the empire came from career military members, like themselves.   Stelmane helped push his own officers and NCOs into the arms of the Fourth Column. These radicalized members bided and planned, moving their own into positions of power. Baron Isaac Townsend, frustrated and threatened by the growing threat of Commodore Remos, tried to continually place him and his forces into exposde positions throughout Pacifica. This plan would come to backfire on Townsend, as his loosely protected bastion orbiting Voretz was attacked by a deep-striking Pacifica Liberation Front Strike Fleet. Isaac was caught totally unprepared, and his forces were nearly wiped. Remos arrived to reinforce, took control of the remaining forces and not only saved them, but routed the remaining liberation fighters from the system.   The grand commanders of the navy capatilized on this folley, and promoted Remos to Lord Admiral, stealing the position from the nobility. Remos continued to establish a solid foothold in Pacifica. However, time after time the advancement of the Imperial interests in the region were proven difficult to achieve. Remos faced his own trials during events like the Siege of Talltown, the battle over Bal'Marin and more.   In recent years his advancement has slown down, and rurmors persist of the Admiral having contentious relations with the Imperial Court. His political slant towards the Fourth Column has caused him a political nightmare, not only within the Court but also within his own ranks. They claim he is trying to carve out his own empire in Pacifica, challenging the authority of the Emperor himself. Supporters instead claim that Remos is instead a shining beacon of what the ignoble can come to achieve. Regardless, Remos ignores the claims, but spends a significant amount of time in Atlas, staying far away from the hidden blades in the Core Systems, and protected by the House of Moments.
Current Location
Year of Birth
176 ME 69 Years old
Aligned Organization


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