
The surface of this enormous planet is made up of carbon compounds such as graphite and diamond. At night, the largest crystal formations glow with an unearthly light, an exotic property many of the crystals retain after being cut. Oddly, all light sources extinguish about a kilometer into the night side. The Colonial Earth Empire captured the planet years ago, but has maintained a very loose grip over the inhabitants. Most live in incredibly rural communities, and are dedicated to the Seerists, happy to be left alone under the empire, while benefitting from trade through the imperial sector.   The House of Stars controls the planet, but only maintains a small embassy here. The lack of resources, in conjunction with their assets being focused on Thraka means that the local population is mostly left to govern themselves. Imperial colonists and settlers have begun to move onto and occupy Voretz, leading to clashes between locals and the encroaching Imperials. Settlements are regularly built and occupied by private military forces within the more resource rich and religiously important areas of the planet.    A growing number of Liberation Front incursions have arisen on Voretz. The Empire has responded in turn by clamping down with more oppressive operations conducted by the local Imperial Army forces. There is a growing number of Omni-Net scams that are spearheaded here by local criminal organizations.
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Security Rating 
Medium Security


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