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GR 01: The Great Quest

The Great Quest began at the Greenwood Elvenhearth in 3234 SR, as Marshal Reneslar set forth with Grenton of Onscra and Vitrem of Bonetra, to rejoin two halves of an ethereal stone that had fallen from the sky. These halves had been discovered by two Jötun brothers of the north, princes (jarls) Thrym’n and Grantuk.   Sent by King Thellernath of Oriliath and Mistress Eamarilth of Fae'ri, the party carried with them the ancient Circlet of the High Keeper, the Great Sword Elnar and the ethereal Boots of Celleth Earanil. The three travelers ventured through the satyr lands of the western Greenwood to Gallia, where they were joined by Elicia and Scalam. They continued upriver, through a Saurian-patrolled swamp, and on to city of Port Hansra. Here in the labyrinth below the streets, Scalam died at the hands of the ratfolk, who had led the party into a trap. They were rescued by a rogue named Remegal. Connecting with the Saurian Captain Pholerus, they were brought aboard his swanship Gidira. It was on this ship that they met the Fae princess Pana'rietha who was on her way to Fae capital of Oriliath.   After an attack by Karshan forces and ship-wreck in the Midrun Sea, the party rescued an etheric named Vrotona, who had been cursed to take the form of a ship. Later, on board Vrotona, the party was sent back in time through a “temporal hurricane.” Thereby, the party was able to make landfall on the island of Menoris as it was in 3220 SR. Aided by a mysterious Thrau spy named Tarect, they defeated the exiled Jötun Grantuk, who possessed the Stone of Fire.   While in the past, the party met a woman named Genneanne, and befriended the tiger-like Windriders who came to serve as their flying mounts. Grenton married Geneanne, who later bore him the child Ukkasen. With her assistance the party returned to the year 3228 SR.   Following the cold trail of Tarect, who had stolen the Stone of Fire for herself, the party headed north. They reached the besieged city of Mandoreth on the eve of a great battle. By what many claimed to be the supernatural intervention of one of The Ilmatar of Ukko, the battle was won and the tide was turned in the war. (The partially destroyed cathedral of Mandoreth was later rededicated in honor of this victory.)   After this, the party continued tracking Tarect to the ancient elváen ruins of Talen’kenk Orlal, where they were able to not only recapture the Stone of Fire, but acquired ethereal artifacts that would later help them in their mission. Continuing north to great Jötun ice palace of the north, the party confronted and defeated King Thrym’n himself. By rejoining the Stones of Fire and Ice, the ethereal power of the stones was nullified.   While in the northlands, Grenton made contact with the nomadic Kainen people, setting the stage for future events. The campaign concluded with the party’s return to their homeland, where they became renowned as local heroes.   OUTSIDE GAME-TIME: Upon his return, Lord Marshall Reneslar established a headquarters for the Greenwood Marshall Conclave. Vitrem returned to Bonetra and was elected mayor. Grenton, however, was rejected by the authorities in Onscra. He was falsely implicated by Keeper Alerec in the death of Grenton’s mentor, the High Keeper Trolan. Grenton was rescued from a faked execution by Fae spies. Events of the Great Quest were later returned to many years later in the campaign Campaign 33 - “The Sons of Kurkama,” at the Battle of Mandoreth.   MEMORABLE MOMENTS: The Great Quest was the first adventure to take place in the game-world that would later be known as Aerith. The campaign introduced a number of features that would become a part of many other adventures, including: the religion of Ukko, the guidance of Teroth Eamarilth and the lion-like Sentinels, references to the ancestral lord Narvaina, and the appearance of one of the seven Great Swords of Renown. Games in this campaign featured a constant power struggle between Reneslar and Grenton, with comic relief from Vitrem. A classic Vitrem act was to drop a coin and pick it up, denying that he would ever bow to anyone. Some memorable scenes include: the riddle of the gift in Talen'kenk Orlal, and the final battles against the Jötun in the great Ice Palace of King Thrym’n.   SUBSEQUENT CONNECTIONS: The campaign "Shadow of the Greenwood" (2010), made reference to characters from great quest, espcially Reneslar and Grenton, who served as mentors to the characters of Baldron, Andreu, and Picket. Grenton (as Markesh), Lady Elicia, and Vrotona appeared as NPCs in this later campaign.
Dates Played: Summer 1981 - Summer 1982
Play Sessions: 32
Session Venue: St. Paul, MN
Rule System: Adv. Dungeons & Dragons   SpiritQuest Setting:
Era: Age of Exile
Time Frame: 3224-3231 S.R.
Region: Wessa and Neørdewessa
Origin: Elvenhearth, Greenwood Forest
Destination: Northern Jötun Realm   Player Characters:
Reneslar, Vainite Hunter - Scott Renstrom
Grenton, Vainite Guardian - Greg Krenz
Vitrem, Hulder Spy - Vince Krenz
Elicia, Fae Etheric - Elizabeth Hultberg
Scalam, Thurim Soldier - Scott Bell   Important Non-Player Characters:
King Thellernath, Faecrown of Oriliath
Tarect, Thrau Spy
Panareitha (Pana), Fae Princess
Vrotona, Fae Etheric-Transformed Ship
Geneanne, Grenton’s Wife
Teroth Eamarilth, Fae Etheric
Jarl Thrym’n, King of the Jötun
Grantuk (One Eye), Exiled Jötun Prince
Hoonter, The Spriggan


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