Star Wars

A timeline of major events in the Star Wars universe relevant to the campaign.

The Old Republic

25000 BBY 1000 BBY

The formation of the Republic, the Jedi, the Sith, and the galaxy as we currently know it.

  • 1534 BBY

    Establishment of Kalda

    Founding of the ancient city of Kalda on Desevro according to the Talz tablet.

  • 1100 BBY

    1000 BBY

    The Dark Age
    Era beginning/end

    The last century of the New Sith Wars, ending with the Ruusan Reformation and the destruction of a majority of the Sith Order.

Republic Era

1000 BBY 19 BBY

The era of the Galactic Republic's - and the Jedi's - supremacy and eventual fall.

  • 332 BBY

    Hyperspace Mapping Project
    Discovery, Exploration

    A massive galaxy wide project to map safe hyperspace lanes begins, greatly increasing travel speed and safety across the galaxy.

  • 232 BBY

    Rise of the Nihil

    The Nihil were anarchistic marauders from the Outer Rim of the galaxy, with territory as their own, coming to prominence during the High Republic Era. Due to having access to mysterious routes known as "Path" that defied conventional hyperspace logic, the Nihil emerged as a significant threat to the Galactic Republic during a time of expansion of membership and led them to conducted a series of anti-piracy operations against the Nihil. Supposedly fragmented by 28 BBY.

  • 32 BBY

    Invasion of Naboo
    Military: Battle

    The illegal blockade of Naboo by the Trade Federation orchestrated by an unknown Sith lord. It would end with the successful destruction of Trade Federation forces, and the election of Senator Palpatine to Chancellor.

  • 24 BBY

    Confederacy of Independent Systems is founded.
    Political event

    Count Dooku delivers the Raxus Address, founding the CIS. Thousands of star systems leave the Republic.

  • 22 BBY

    19 BBY

    The Clone Wars
    Military: War

    A galactic spanning conflict the likes of which hasn't been seen in millennia, fought between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as Separatists, over the power and rule of the Republic. Fought by a Republic Clone Army and the Jedi against the CIS Droid Army. It wuld end with a Republic victory, the dissolution of the Republic, fall of the Jedi, and formation of the Galactic Empire.

  • 19 BBY

    Battle of Cato Neimoida
    Military: Battle

    The Battle over the Purse World of Cato Neimoida, where Jolder would become an ace pilot fighting for the Republic.

  • 19 BBY

    Creation of the First Galactic Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The Republic is dissolved and reformed into the First Galactic Empire, with Chancellor Palpatine becoming Emperor. Jedi are declared a public enemy and that they will be hunted down. Order 66 enacted just before the Clone Wars end.

  • 19 BBY

    "The Dark Times"
    Cultural event

    The height of Imperial control over the Galaxy, in which it crushed any resistance and exercised oppression on a scale not seen before.

The Imperial Era

19 BBY 5 ABY

The formation, rise, and fall of the Empire.

  • 19 BBY

    Battle of Cato Neimoida
    Military: Battle

    The Battle over the Purse World of Cato Neimoida, where Jolder would become an ace pilot fighting for the Republic.

  • 19 BBY

    Creation of the First Galactic Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The Republic is dissolved and reformed into the First Galactic Empire, with Chancellor Palpatine becoming Emperor. Jedi are declared a public enemy and that they will be hunted down. Order 66 enacted just before the Clone Wars end.

  • 19 BBY

    "The Dark Times"
    Cultural event

    The height of Imperial control over the Galaxy, in which it crushed any resistance and exercised oppression on a scale not seen before.

  • 18 BBY

    15 BBY

    Western Reaches Pacification Operations
    Military action

    Imperial military action against Separatist holdouts in the Western Reaches, squashing any major resistance from rebellion factions for some time.

  • 18 BBY

    Invasion of Mon Cala
    Military: Battle

    The Empire invades Mon Cala who have been assisting Rebel factions, ending with an Imperial victory.

  • 14 BBY

    Assassination attempt on Darth Vader / Emperor Palpatine
    Political event

    Attempted Assassination of the Emperor and Darth Vader by the Free Ryloth movement led by Cham Syndulla. The attempt was a failure but was closer to success than any previous attempt.

  • 11 BBY

    The Great Drought of Tatooine
    Disaster / Destruction

    A significant reduction in the moisture content of Tatooine, affecting the already struggling moisture farmers who are further crippled by a water tax placed by Jabba the Hutt.

  • 10 BBY

    "Vader's Many Prosthetic Parts"
    Artistic creation

    A song mocking Darth Vader created and performed by the groups Hakko Drazlip and the Tootle Froots is published. The entire group was captured and subsequently disappeared.

  • 10 BBY

    Mimban Campaign
    Military: Battle

    Imperial invasion of the swamp world Mimban, ending in an Imperial victory.

  • 9 BBY


    Escape from Raxus Prime

    The party escapes from Raxus Prime aboard the Eventide.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
    More reading
    Escape from Raxus Prime
  • 9 BBY


    Raid on Imperial Outpost D416
    Military: Skirmish

    The Crew of the Eventide raided Imperial Outpost D416, a former Hutt Outpost, to rescue three rebel informants. They would cripple it, and come across an Inquisitor for the first time.

    Session Report
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    More reading
    A New Weapon
  • 8 BBY


    Lianna Uprising
    Political event

    Following the death of Marl Thals and in response to increased security and oppression by the Empire and Santhe Corporation on the people of Lianna, a popular uprising throughout the ecumenopolis lead to a short but intense military action. Many people died and the Imperial aligned planet is now home to an extremely heavy fleet presence.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
  • 8 BBY


    The Death of Mez
    Life, Death

    Mez sacrificed himself in the 'world between worlds' to keep the doorway open for the crew of the Eventide to escape. He was last seen as the doorway closed, turning into a cloud of glass.