Pelagia Province

Tapani Sector, Pelagia Province, and most locations therein created by Paul Sudlow and Chris Doyle,
working for West End Games, under license for Lucasfilm LTD. No infringement is intended or implied.

Pelagia Province is the kind of small part of the Tapani Sector that is ruled by House Vorpelagia. It used to be bigger, but they had a lot of Jedi; when Palpatine threw Order 66 around and had most of the Jedi murdered, the surrounding provinces, mostly Calipsa, jumped on a “punitive” territory grab.


Right now, Pelagia has five hyperspace stops – but that includes control of the Shapani Run for anyone who wants to get from the Shapani Bypass up to Calipsa System, or from Calipsa down to Cadriaan Province. You can bet that anyone affiliated with Vorcalipsa is still paying “time to harvest my field of fucks” tariffs at every stop along the way.


Holopedia Galactica entry:

As of the official census in Tapani Year 12720, Pelagia Province consisted of two intersecting hyperlanes connecting three major star systems:
  • Vorharopulos Pass enters Pelagia Province from Sheva System and travels nearly half the width of the Province to reach capital Pelagon System. Most traffic diverts here, but some continues directly toward Obelia System, where Vorharopulos Pass terminates.
  • From Pelagon System, most traffic transfers to the Shapani Run where it passes through Bethal System on its way to Calipsa Province. This is the route preferred by any individual or organization who expect high fees and bureacratic delays in hyperspace controlled by House Vormecetti. The fees for access to Shapani Run may be strict, but Vorpelagia BuShips is efficient.
  • Some travelers and shipments instead turn down the Vorbataille Route. A long, direct transit with no notable stops but also few hazards will next arrive at Gilliana System in Cadriaan Province.
  • Foreign visitors, particularly those who wish to qualify for additional processing fees, may attempt to insist that the Shapani Run is in fact the same as the Vorbataille Route. The budget-conscious traveler does not.
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