Clerkburg Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil


Facets of Grey. the celebrated epic by the poet Chancreon, describes the streets of Clerkburg as "teeming with young paragons of intellect, their incandescent thoughts emerging in a glorious cacophony of the frenetic, passionate pleas of idealistic political agitators mingled in triumphant. philosophical radiance with the barks of street hawkers and the bustle of a legion of youthful students rushing in herds to classes taught by the greatest minds in the Flanaess."   Though characteristic of his overwrought style and romantic oversentimentality, the passage accurately reflects daily life in Clerkburg, a quarter of the city of Greyhawk dominated by temples, parks, and the buildings of a dozen colleges and universities. The quarter is sometimes referred to as "The Halls," after the numerous institutions of learning found here. The well-manicured grounds of these colleges, as well as the architectural style evident in their greater buildings. belies an altogether different atmosphere of "civic planning" than can be found in the tightly packed tenements of Old City or even the measured practicality of the Artisans and Foreign Quarters.   Though not nearly as ostentatious as the structures and parks of New City. Clerkberg's airy gardens. fountains. ponds. and architecture based more on imagery than practicality reflect an era in which the administrators of the metropolis sought to define a distinctly "Greyhawk" style.   More than any other quarter in the city of Greyhawk, Clerkburg benefited from the dynamism of Zagig Yragerne's tenure as Lord Mayor. Zagig purchased the land that would become Clerkburg from the famous Lord Truan Iolavai in 342 C Y. He bequeathed the manor house of the half-elven hero to a cadre of influential scholars, ordering the pedants to found Grey College, a school that would not only educate the young adults of Greyhawk, but that would draw students from the "shabby, petulantly overfunded" institutions of Dyvers and Rel Astra. In this manner, Zagig hoped to capture the coin of foreign nobles and the allegiances of their sons and daughters.   After a string of early successes, Zagig sent word across the Flanaess, tempting (and sometimes outright bribing) scores of scholars to come to Greyhawk and found schools of their own. Within a century. Greyhawk would rival Rel Mord as the continent's center of learning.   Zagig's improvements and innovations encompassed more than the seeding of influential institutions of learning. The forceful Lord Mayor encouraged many local nobles to combine their private libraries and scroll collections into a single concentration of knowledge that would one day become the Great Library of Greyhawk. He enlisted the finest architects and masons in the region men whose apprentices would go on to found the Guild of Architects and Stonemasons in 405 CY) to restore and expand the partially ruined coliseum not far from Grey College. originally built during the reign of Ponies the Bull to satiate the legendary Oeridian lust for bloodsport. He widened streets and planted trees. ensuring that the quarter would boast both man-made and natural beauty.   In the years since Zagig departed his beloved Greyhawk, Clerkburg has fared relatively well. Its buildings have largely escaped the fires and rowdyism that has plagued the River Quarter and Old City. and if anything the influx of refugees following the Greyhawk Wars has brought even more bright scholars and students to the Gem of the Flanaess.   Most residents of Clerkburg are students, teachers, administrators. or menials tasked with keeping the schools clean and running on time. Though the original purpose of the colleges was to attract the children of nobles and wealthy members of the artisan class, students of this caliber are greatly outnumbered by the sons and daughters of mid-ranking guildsmen and apprentices training one or two days out of the week in some practical craft or trade (Clerkburg. after all, provides its fair share of clerks).   Most colleges hold classes from Goodmonth 1 to Flocktime 28. Students enjoy vacation during Wealsun, Richfest, and Reaping, though most staff remain on duty throughout the summer, spending that time in research or lecturing to each other on the third week of Richfestv known colloquially as Masters' Days. During the school year, classes are held every day save Godsday and Freeday. Many schools close entirely during Needfest, which, of course. sees furious celebration in the local taverns.   Crime in the Halls is relatively low, mostly because students and teachers rarely own anything worth stealing. The district sports a handful of structures that hold nearly untold wealth (the City Mint, certain locked chambers below the Great Library, and especially the University of Magical Arts), but these are so well protected as to make attempts at infiltration virtually pointless.   The greatest wealth of Clerkburg is difficult to steal. but it is relatively easy to purchase. That wealth is knowledge, and between the books and scrolls of a dozen libraries and the expertise of more than a hundred sages and scholars can doubtless be found the hints and clues that lead to a thousand treasure-laden adventures.


Demographics: Human 78%, Hin 7%, Dwarf 6%, Gnome 5%, Elf/Alfar 2%, Rageborn 1%, Other 1%


Clerkburg is a quiet, park-like area where crime is fairly low, yet as the center of learning in the city, it boasts many of the city leaders. Derider Fanshen, Constable of Greyhawk, Captain of the City Watch, and one of the Directing Oligarchs lives in Clerkburg. The Patriarch of Boccob, Ravel Dasinder, is also on the Directing Oligarchy, along with Sir Anton Palmirian, Guildmaster of the Lawyers, Scribes, and Accountants Guild. Another Oligarch, Kieren Jalucian, Guildmaster of the Guild of Wizardry and Principal of the University of Magical Arts is also frequently seen in Clerkburg.


District Guard

  • Captain of the Clerkburg Watch: Dabron Jhandass
  • Captain of the Clerkburg Nightwatch: Mierest Gillebraid (human female)

Industry & Trade

Clerkburg has a few very important guilds. It is home to the Old Mill and New Mill College, which doubles as the guildhall for the Guild of Bakers and Cooks, and the City Mint, home to the Guild of Mintworkers, along with the Guildhall of Jewelers' and Gemcutters' make this small quarter the center of much of the wealth of the city. However, Clerkburg's main industry is knowledge and learning, boasting all of the city's colleges and universities.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

  • Derider Fanshen, City Watch Captain and member of the Directing Oligarchy
  • Kieren Jalucian, Principal of the University of Magical Arts, Guildmaster of the Greyhawk Guild of Wizardry, and member of the Directing Oligarchy
  • Ravel Dasinder, Patriarch of Boccob and member of the Directing Oligarchy


  • Wilyard Greathand, Guildmaster, Minterworker's Guild
  • Gerda Hollardel, Guildmaster, Jewelers' and Gemcutters' Guild
  • Sir Anton Palmirian, Guildmaster, Lawyers, Scribes, and Accountants and a member of the Directing Oligarchy

College and University Leaders

  • Lactile Furlo, High Tutor of Bardschool
  • Hewler Silverfox, Chancellor of Grey College
  • Ephraim Blackrod, University of Magical Arts Master of Ceremonies
  • Abrazaldin Hosk, Senior Tutor, University of Magical Arts
  • Soria Selincross, Chancellor, University of the Flanaess


  • Loris Raknian, Director of the Free City Arena
  • Lord Hevel Wheatsmill, Owner of the Old Mill
  • Elraniel Tesmarien, Elderly elven sage and diviner

Points of interest


Political and Government

  • Clerkberg City Watch Station (Government)
  • Clerkberg Nightwatchmens' Guildstation (Government)
  • Greyhawk City Mint (Government)

Temples and Institutions

  • Bardschool (Bardic College)
  • Grey College (College)
  • Great Library of Greyhawk (Library)
  • New Mill College (College)
  • School of Clerkship (College)
  • Temple of Boccob (Temple)
  • University of Magical Arts (Magic School)
  • University of the Flanaess (College)

Guilds and Industry

  • Jewelers and Gemcutters' Guildhall (Guildhall)
  • Guildhall of Lawyers and Scribes
  • Old Mill (Miller)

Inns, Taverns and Entertainment

  • Black Dragon Inn (Inn)
  • Clerkburg Boardinghouse
  • Roc and Oliphant Tavern (Tavern)
  • Savant Tavern (Tavern)
  • Student Quarter (Student Housing)

Shops and Services

  • Halamber's Lutes and Harps (musical instruments)
  • Horatio Rib's Everything (General Store)
  • Marik's Buns (Baker)
  • Mobber's Tasty Vegetables (Foods)
  • Murdo's Pantry (Restaurant)
  • Olmhazan's Jewels (jeweler)
  • Whistling Blades (weapons)

Culture and Sites

  • Bridge of Entwined Hearts (Site)
  • Free City Arena (Arena)
  • Web's Rooftop Dragonchess Parlor (Gambling Hall)

Important Residences

  • Gnarleyhouse (Student Housing)
  • Residence- Derider Fanshen
  • Residence: ElranieI Tesmarien
Alternative Name(s)
Location under


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