Slum Quarter Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Slum Quarter

The western arch of the Old City, running along the city walls, is notably more run-down than the Thieves' Quarter. Few businesses of any worth are located here; the buildings are in poor repair, many held by absent landlords or criminal gangs. Unlike the River or Thieves' Quarters, the Slum Quarter does not lie on a trade route into the city, so little wealth enters this area. Beggars are common, disease is everywhere, and many homeless persons sleep out in the open under trees, in crates, and against the sides of buildings. The Slum Quarter is dominated by the Beggars' Union, set almost against the Black Wall. It is rumored that the notorious Guild of Assassins has its secret headquarters here, too, but if the locals know anything about it, they aren't talking.   City Watch patrols are rarely encountered here, except in groups of two. Only Assassins End, Cross Street, and Old Lane are patrolled; all else is ignored because of the danger of ambush. The Nightwatchmen similarly don't go here, but only because no one can afford their services. The only authority anyone respects is the word of the Beggarmaster, but even he does not have a far reach.


Human 88%, Rageborn 8%, Hin 2%, Other 1%, Dwarf negligible, Gnome negligible, Elf/Alfar negligible


The Slum Quarter consists of much of the territory west of the Processional in the Old City. Once home to Turin Deathstalker, a member of the Directing Oligarchy, it is more likely now bereft of leadership. The Beggars' Guild, still on the losing end of a conflict with the Thieves' Guild, provides a stabilizing force here.


District Guard

If the city watch has to enter the quarter, they do so in force from their station in the Thieves' Quarter.

Industry & Trade

There are very few permanent industries here, and business come and go with regularity. The few stables and caravan yards located in the city walls lie in the Slum Quarter. Businesses not welcome in other parts of the city (usually due to the stench of their operations), tanners, dye makers, etc., find their way to the Slum Quarter.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

They say in the High Quarter, everyone is important. The opposite is true in the Slum Quarter.

Points of interest



Temples and Institutions

  • Chapel of Ulaa (Temple)
  • Shrine of the Weeping Angel (Temple)
  • Temple of Ralishaz (Temple)

Guilds and Industry

  • Assassins' Guildhall (rumored)
  • Caravan Warehouse
  • Beggars' Union Guildhall

Inns, Taverns and Entertainment

  • Dragon Turtle Inn (Inn)
  • Left Hand Inn (Inn)
  • Old Quarter Flophouse
  • Two-Necked Swan (Tavern)

Shops and Services

  • False Duke's Stables (Stables)
  • Fedroot's Daggerarium (Weapons)
  • Garraldson's Locksmithy (Locksmith)
  • Ret's Taxidermy (Taxidermy)

Culture and Sites

  • Old City Well (Site)

Important Residences

  • Mistress Crump's Hovel (Residence)
Yalexex's Abode (Artist)
Location under


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