Greyhawk City Outskirts Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Greyhawk City Outskirts

The area just beyond the city walls has certainly developed because of the city, though these locations cannot truly be called part of that same city. Nonetheless, a description of its immediate surroundings is essential to a full understanding of Greyhawk City.   These surroundings range from the dilapidated shacks of Shack Town and the muddy backwaters of Barge End on the city's northwest side to the mysterious ring of stones outside the city wall to the southeast. This description begins with the hilly area north of the city and proceeds clockwise around the areas outside the city wall.


Hin 54%, Human 35%, Rageborn 5%, Gnome 3%, Elf/Alfar 2%, Dwarf 1%, Other 1%


East of the city walls, the druids of Obad-Hai keep relative peace near their shrine and the Stone Ring. To the southwest, the Merchants' and Traders' Guild keeps a veritable army of guards patrolling the livery, warehouses and caravan parks. Other parts of the outskirts have no real central leadership.


District Guard

The Merchants' and Traders' Union hired guards are the closest thing to a district guard outside of the Free City's walls.

Industry & Trade

Outside the city walls is where a lot of the mechanics of trade happen. Caravans arrive, pay their customs taxes, pick up their next delivery and destination and head out. Many rarely step into the city. In addition, the larger stables all lie outside the walls.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

  • Lord Wainwright
  • Lord Wheatsmill
  • Karol Zagan, Observatory Grand Tutor and cleric of Celestian

Points of interest



Political and Government

  • City Slaughterhouse (Government)

Temples and Institutions

  • Stone Ring (Site)
  • Grey College Observatory (Observatory)
  • Shrine to Obad-Hai (Temple)

Guilds and Industry

  • Merchants' and Traders' Guild Livery
  • Warehouses (Warehouse)

Shops and Services

  • Black Nag Stables (Stables)
  • First Steppes (Outfitters)
  • Thorofin's Stables (Stables)
  • Shortstone Wines (Wines)
  • Thentawa's Boots

Culture and Sites

  • City Cemetery (Graveyard)
  • Caravan Parks (Site)
  • Millstream Effluent (Site)

Important Residences

  • Lord Wheatsmill's Manor (Residence)
  • Wainwright Manor (Residence)
Location under


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