Shacktown Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil


The most miserable part of Greyhawk is Shacktown, a growing collection of wretched, one-room buildings largely inhabited by about a thousand poor immigrants who came to Greyhawk during and after the Greyhawk Wars. They hail from places as far away as the Shield Lands, the Wild Coast, Nyrond, Furyondy, and even Tenh. Most inhabitants are loners, and many are fugitives, criminals, and outcasts.   Any families that came to Greyhawk have long since moved away to local farms or into the city itself. The City Watch almost never goes into Shack Town, less out of fear of the inhabitants than complete disregard for their condition and any crimes committed here. Shack Towners occasionally get into fights with local Rhennee, but the two groups usually leave each other alone. Shack Towners sometimes hunt animals in North Hills Park for food. but this is a crime punishable by a long term in a Greyhawk work house. The nearness of Shack Town to the High Quarter and the vast differences between the two are noted by many visitors to the city. Chickens and goats roam the paths of Shack Town; dogs are driven off.


Human 70%, Hin 14%, Rageborn 13%, Dwarf 2%, Gnome 1%, Elf/Alfar 1%, Other 1%


There is little coordinated leadership in Shacktown. In fact, Shacktown doesn't exist in the eyes of the Free City leadership. The mercenary leaders have each carved out a piece of Shacktown for themselves. They each know that any aggressive moves would rally the other companies against them, so each is content with what they have.


District Guard

There is no district guard. The only reason crime isn't rampant is that most Shacktowners have nothing to steal.

Industry & Trade

The largest two industries in Shacktown are the sawmill and the mercenary camps.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

  • Nicholi Nortoi, a cleric of St. Cuthbert who works among the poor.

Mercenary Camp Leaders

  • Big Horn, commander of the Big Horn Mercenaries
  • Dennin Blackfinger
  • Bonrenner Mcleoud
  • Greymane , leader of the Quick Knife Mercenaries

Points of interest



Temples and Institutions

  • Shrine to St. Cuthbert (Temple)

Guilds and Industry

  • Big Horn Mercenaries
  • Blackfinger's Devils (Mercenaries)
  • McCleoud's Mercenaries
  • Quick Knife Mercenaries
  • Shacktown Sawmill (Sawmill)

Inns, Taverns and Entertainment

  • Curdled Brew (Drinks)
  • Green Leaf (tea shop)
  • The Ground Bean (Drinks)
  • Honey Pot (Drinks and Honey)
  • Watenga's (Restaurant and Drug Den)

Shops and Services

  • Battlefield Weapons (Armor and Weapons)
  • Casteran's Cakes (baker)
  • Cleansed Spirits (medium)
  • Cutting Block (butcher)
  • Dolls and Dice (toys)
  • Filini, the Rug Merchant (Furnishings)
  • Fort Rendezvous (trading post)
  • Scents of Passion
  • Spiced Seed (Spice Merchant)
  • Torn Page (books and scribe)

Culture and Sites

  • Barge End (Rhennee encampment)
  • Shacktown Pier
  • Wanderer's Encampment
Location under


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