High Quarter Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

High Quarter

Nestled atop a low rise, the magnificent mansions of the High Quarter cast a long shadow over the Free City. To the poor of the Slum Quarter they are unattainable palaces, symbols of the uncaring elite. Others see the palaces and temples as goals. A High Quarter address makes one the social equal of lords and ambassadors in the cult of public opinion that holds sway in its ostentatious taverns, casinos, and theaters. The High Market at the heart of the district attracts customers from all over the city and the region, but the local constabulary and even several mercenary bands hired by locals keep an eye on strangers. Those who do not live here are not made to feel welcome once their market business has concluded.   The homes and monuments of the High Quarter span centuries in their influences, bringing an unpredictable nature to a stroll through its well-maintained streets. Beside a handsome home of wooden towers and garden mazes looms the mighty headquarters of the city’s Guild of Wizardry, a six-story stone ziggurat designed by Zagig from images he experienced in a dream. Elsewhere, the sprawling grounds of Lord Henway’s Menagerie contribute to the district’s visual and aural atmosphere. The noble’s massive aviary, looking for all the world like a giant barred birdcage, draws visitors of all social strata. The shrieking creatures within can, on a quiet night, be heard as far south as the Thieves’ Quarter. The Wharf Gate at the district’s edge opens directly to an outlander shanty town called Barge End, where the terminally poor share leaky hovels with disease victims, addicts, and fugitives from the law. Needless to say, the gate remains tightly shut throughout the day and night.   Though most of the district’s manors are protected by pact from the depredations of the Thieves’ Guild, fearless independent thieves or opportunistic transients often find the High Quarter too alluring to ignore, getting themselves into a great deal of trouble. A standard watch patrol arrives quickly on the onset of an unusual commotion or obvious battle. These vigilant sentinels immediately raise a hue and cry, attracting an elite patrol soon after. The constables of High Quarter pride themselves on their honesty and incorruptibility.   Whereas an offer to bribe a watchman in other parts of the city often leads to success, here such discussion might land the would-be dealmaker in a jail cell.


Demographics: Human 80%, Hin 11%, Elf/Alfar 6%, Dwarf 1%, Rageborn 1%, Other 1%, Gnome negligible


Lord Mayor Nerof Gasgal lives here, along with his trusted advisor Org Nenshen, and tax collector Glodreddi Bakkanin. The High Quarter is the location of the city guard barracks, the courts of justice, the Nightwatchmans' headquarters and most of the mechanics of governance for the Free City.   In addition, many noble families and important personages call the High Quarter home.   It should also be mentioned that the High Quarter is the location of the Greyhawk Guild of Wizardry and home to Jallarzi Sallavarian, an archmage and one of the Circle of Eight.


The High Quarter is the headquarters for the City Watch, the Nightwatchmen, and stands adjacent to the Citadel, which houses the domains' soldiery.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

Most people say that when meeting someone in the High Quarter, assume everyone is important.

Points of interest



Political and Government

  • Greyhawk Courts of Justice
  • Greyhawk Diplomatic Residence
  • Embassy Circle (Embassy)
  • Embassy to the Duchy of Urnst (Embassy)
  • Free City Gaol
  • High Quarter City Watch Barracks and Station (Government)
  • High Quarter Nightwatchman's Guildstation (Government)
  • Lord Mayor's Palace (Government)

Guilds and Industry

  • Greyhawk Guild of Wizardry (Guildhall)

Inns, Taverns and Entertainment

  • Wheel of Gold Gambling House (Gambling Hall)

Shops and Services

  • Maerados Fine Furs
  • Orsabbas' Fine Imports

Culture and Sites

  • Free City Tomb
  • Lord Henway's Menagerie and Aviary (Site)
  • Lords' Tomb (Site)

Important Residences

  • Bluto House
  • Grey Manor
  • Henway Family Manor (Residence)
  • Residence: Fioranna Aielestriel Villa
  • Residence: Glodreddi Bakkanin House
  • Residence: Jallarzi Sallavarian's Tower
  • Residence: Org Nenshen
  • Residence: Starmane Manor
  • Residence: Stivak Dorbreddin
Location under


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