Thieves' Quarter Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Thieves' Quarter

It is said that if Greyhawk's New City were to vanish from Oerth, Old City would carry on as it always has - but the reverse is unlikely to be true. Though the Lord Mayor and the Directing Oligarchy ostensibly rule from New City, their true power bases are in the Old City's Thieves' Quarter, rooted in the Thieves' Guild and Union of Merchants and Traders. The decisions made here affect life everywhere in the city and even across the central Flanaess.   Many lower class families in the Old City have been here for generations, but immigrants also flow into this district, working their way up from the Slum Quarter where most new poor immigrants find themselves without homes or money. Subtle ethnic differences can be found between each street in the Thieves' Quarter as a result. Demihumans are few, usually outcasts or wanted criminals from distant clans, but many of the city's half-orcs live here. This area is as tough as the River Quarter but less chaotic and more settled, with fewer transients around.   Crime in this quarter is considered to be rampant because thieves are known by all to be in charge here, but there is, nonetheless, a certain adherence to civil order, bred by long years of routine and tight rule by the Thieves' Guild. Murders are usually criminals killed by other criminals; regular citizens are beaten by thugs for their money, but rarely killed to avoid attracting the City Watch's attention. Few murderers are actually caught and fewer still are convicted unless someone important was the victim. Pickpocketing and petty theft are rampant and usually ignored by authorities. Most wealthy criminals go free, and poor criminals go to prison or workhouses. Most "active" criminals are young males, as unemployment is very high here; older criminals are usually skilled thieves or leaders in criminal groups.   Despite such lawlessness and corruption, law enforcement is present and does make a difference. The Nightwatchmen are the strongest force here, serving to protect common citizens and businesses against the thugs who populate this area. Many locals save their money to buy the protection that this guild offers. The priests of St. Cuthbert monitor the Nightwatchmen closely to make sure that bad elements do not turn the guild into a criminal protection gang extorting money from helpless Old City residents. The City Watch is present during the day (with near-maximum numbers of guards present), but two patrols march together at full strength on patrols at night.


Human 89%, Rageborn 6%, Hin 3%, Dwarf 1%, Other 1%, Gnome negligible, Elf/Alfar negligible


Day-to-day administration of the district and the rest of the Old City seems to be managed from the Old City Great Hall, once the halls of city government. Thurman Dietrien manages the Great Hall and is said to be close friends with Lord-Mayor Nerof Gasgal and Director Org Nenshen.   The Merchants' and Traders' Union is managed by guildmaster Dernan Nathane, who is also on the Directing Oligarchy. Dernan Nathane is a skilled leader and manager who knows Greyhawk and its politics very well.   Other major figures in the union who are also in the Directing Oligarchy are Carmen Halmaster, Cariel Mansharn, and Stimtrin Cannasay (dwarf male). Cariel Mansharn was brought into the Oligarchy after the death of another Director from the union, Ren o' the Star, during the Greyhawk Wars. He is known to be unpleasant if crossed, but very able as a troubleshooter. Stimtrin was formerly the assistant guildmaster of the union. (Cannasay's last name is actually his human nickname, given his habit of answering questions with "I canna say," before launching into a long, complex analysis of the problem. Stimtrin is a master of bureaucratic paperwork with pronounced compulsive tendencies; he doesn't work well with other people, but he knows the union and its business inside and out. Despite his poor leadership, he is widely acknowledged as an organizational genius and an indispensable source of guild information,   Another member of the Directing Oligarchy, Vesper Lafanel runs a pawnshop in the Thieves' Quarter. Vesper was recommended to the Oligarchy by Turin Deathstalker as his replacement.


District Guard

Rodus Mosden is the Captain of the Old City Watch Station. He is an intense, aggressive man who loves his city. He grew up in the Old City and endured the criminal activity until he became old enough to join the watch. He has risen steadily through the ranks, and never forgets what he suffered as a child at the hands of the criminal element.   Lady Kythus Finch, Captain of the Old City Nightwatchmen leads a beleaguered district watch. There are never enough resources, and Lady Finch feels like she is barely keeping her head above water.

Industry & Trade

The Old City Depot is the center for streetcleaners, sewerworkers, trash pick-up and other city works. The Old City Great Hall still contains much of the bureaucracy for running the city. The Merchants' and Traders' Union oversees countless businesses and trading consortiums.   The dark side of the Old City is discrete, but the eastern portion is called the Thieves' Quarter, for good reason. Rumor says that this is the center of the Thieves' Guild, and some whisper it is run directly out of the Old City Great Hall itself. Most Old City folk are aware that the Assassins' Guild is based somewhere in the Slum Quarter. When the sun goes down, the walls of the Old City hide a lot.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

  • Alsi Svenits (human female) Priest of Olidammara
  • Lufee Talender, (male alfar) Rogue-Priest of Norebo

Points of interest



Political and Government

  • Old City Great Hall
  • Old City Nightwatchmens' Guildstation (Government)
  • Old City Watch Station (Government)

Temples and Institutions

  • Chapel of Olidammara (Temple and Festhall)
  • Esteemed Chapel of Norebo (Temple)
  • Old City Orphanage
  • Shrine to Beory (Temple)

Guilds and Industry

  • Fish Processing Warehouse
  • Free City Slaughterhouse
  • Merchants' and Traders Union (Guildhall)
  • Old City Depot (Guildhall)
  • Old City Grain Warehouse
  • Old City Produce Warhouse

Inns, Taverns and Entertainment

  • Brass Dragon Inn (Inn)
  • Gold Digger Tavern (Tavern)
  • Hanged Man Inn (Inn)
  • Madame Zaccaruso's (Tenement)
  • Phoenix Boarding House (Tenement)
  • White Dragon Inn
  • Whitehorse Inn

Shops and Services

  • Cindered Augur (fortuneteller)
  • Din Danly's Alchemical Curatives (Alchemist)
  • Fischer's Locksmithy
  • Halfhock's Pawnshop (Pawnshop)
  • Hariad's Jewelry (Jeweler)
  • Mama Esther's (Baker)
  • Meply's Alchemical Curatives (Alchemist)
  • Millrose Brewery (Brewery)
  • Turin's Servant Agency (Servants)
  • Vesper's Pawnshop (Pawnshop)

Culture and Sites

  • Free City Common Crypt (Graveyard)
  • Nyrondal House (Ghetto)
  • Old Burn Block
  • Old City Bathhouse (Bathhouse)

Important Residences

  • Dead House (Residence - rumored Haunted)
  • Ph'xeris the Miracle (Artist)
  • Odd House (Residence)
Location under


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