Greyhawk Wharves Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Greyhawk Wharves

The Selintan River's east bank is lined with wooden wharves for about half a mile, creating what some call the "Wharf Quarter" of the city. Many new docks were built after the Greyhawk Wars to accommodate the expanding river trade. A narrow dirt road called the Dockway follows the Selintan closely, used by those workers off-loading cargoes from boats, rafts, and ships that tie up here. Nearly all the rickety buildings here are warehouses, storage sheds, or Offices of the Cargo Inspectorate. The last are placed every 250 feet along the river in small shacks, each kept well-lit at night and staffed by four City Watch sentries and two Cargo Inspectors. All city officials and guards here are highly experienced fighters, skilled at dealing with those who refuse to pay taxes levied against incoming cargoes. They function as a law unto themselves here, keeping order with brutal efficiency. Approved cargo is stamped and hauled into the city within 1d4 days of the proper taxes being paid (perishable are given priority), though bribes can greatly speed the approval process.   Most cargo flows into Greyhawk through the Cargo Gate, but some passes through St. Cuthbert's Gate and a trickle goes through Wharfgate. Some contraband is sneaked through Marsh Gate or elsewhere. The east bank immediately adjacent to the city wall is called West Bluff, because it is west of the city wall. (It is not much of a bluff, being only 20 feet high at most.) Brush and weeds fill in the spaces where nothing is built. Rats, dogs, cats, and seagulls are commonly seen here, the last migrating from the Nyr Dyv or Woolly Bay.   The Selitan forms an odd bulge in its western bank near Wharfgate; the water in this bend is stagnant and (in the summer) mosquito infested. From Coldeven to Patchwall, the eastern bank - called Barge End is filled with Rhennee barges and boats that tie up to each other like a huge floating platform. The City Watch does not bother the Rhcnnee here, making this one of the few spots in the Flanaess where the Rhennee may live undisturbed, if not welcomed. As winter comes on, the Rhennee pole upriver to their annual gathering place on the Nyr Dyv, at an undisclosed location.


Human 64%, Rageborn 20%, Hin 11%, Dwarf 2%, Gnome 5%, Elf/Alfar 1%, Other 1%


The Wharves are governed and overseen by the Office of the Cargo. The Harbormaster, Viddo Thrak, has final say on which ships are allowed to dock, which get unloaded or loaded first, and countless other decisions that make the docks run. Several Cargo Inspectors report directly to the Harbormaster. The position of Cargo Inspector is said to be a very lucrative position, although the pay isn't all that great. The Harbormaster is said to have a luxury manor in the Garden Quarter, far beyond what he would be able to afford from his listed salary.


District Guard

There is a large guard presence here, but assignments here are considered punishments for something done (or caught doing) in the city proper. The sergeants of the guard all report to the Office of the Cargo.

Industry & Trade

The docking, loading, unloading, and transportation of goods dominates the work at the wharves. Hundreds of people work at these back-breaking jobs throughout the day. In addition, there is a large shipbuilding concern, Snagtooth Shipbuilding, which employs almost every person not involved in the moving of cargo.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

  • Viddo Thrak, Harbormaster
  • Archael Hamalen is the rabble-rousing boss of the Alliance of Tenha Workers
  • Screel Dorfman, head of the Dockers' and Wharfsmen Union, and eldest son of the previous master (murdered in 588 CY).
  • Langer Traeme, head of the Free Traders' Union, an alliance of traders who are either new to the city, or trying to stay out from under the thumb of the "City of Thieves"
  • Talrand Quehris, High priest of Xerbo
  • Devani Mor, priest of Osprem

Points of interest



Political and Government

  • Office of the Cargo (Government)
  • Wharves City Watch Station (Government)

Temples and Institutions

  • Temple to Xerbo and Osprem (Temple)
  • Temple of Procan (Temple)

Guilds and Industry

  • Dockers' and Wharfmens' Union (Guildhall)
  • Pilots and Seamens' Guild (Guildhall)
  • City Warehouse (Warehouse)
  • Free Traders' Office and Warehouse (Guildhall)
  • Eridok's Warehouse (Warehouse)
  • Alliance of Tenha Workers (Guildhall)

Shops and Services

  • Snagtooth Shipbuilding (Shipyard)

Culture and Sites

  • Sodden Hold (rundown warehouse, rumored haunted)

Important Residences

Residence: Fionor Clawhand
Location under


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