Teen Justice Academy

Teen Justice Academy is a Masks: A New Generation tabletop roleplaying game actual play that tells the story of a group of angsty teen superheroes fighting evil (and often each other) in Halcyon City. Each individual hero and the team as a whole grows and evolves over a series of episodes, organized into themed "issues" like a comic book.  



The Team

The Teen Justice Academy game focuses on this team of heroes (the playable characters)  

Notable Heroes

Notable Villains

Notable Civilians


Teen Justice Academy Issue 1 - The Swarm

Synopsis: Issue #1: The Swarm

The Swarm, Chapter 1ViewIn which our team of heroes battles a commuter train, sees their idols fall and probably starts the apocalypse in motion.
The Swarm, Chapter 2ViewIn which secrets are revealed, ideals are called into question and celebrity name-drops and cameos abound
The Swarm, Chapter 3ViewIn which our team of superheroes battle a mysterious enemy and uncover many secrets about each other and themselves.

Teen Justice Academy Issue 2 - Fear Itself

Synopsis: Issue #2: Fear Itself

Fear Itself, Chapter 1ViewIt's the start of the second issue of our Masks RPG actual play, and the team is feeling disconnected. Can they pull together to battle a foe unlike any they've faced before?
Fear Itself, Chapter 2ViewPart two of the second issue of Teen Justice Academy, our Masks: A New Generation RPG actual play series.
Fear Itself, Chapter 3ViewChaos at the carnival! Mom and Dad mayhem! An ending with all the feels!

Teen Justice Academy Issue 3 - Field Trip

Field Trip, Part 1ViewIn which the team goes on an exciting field trip to City Hall where nothing untoward or villainous is afoot.
Field Trip, Part 2ViewIn which secrets are revealed and bonds of friendship are tested.

Teen Justice Academy Issue 4 - Evolution

Evolution, Chapter 1ViewIn which our shattered team of heroes takes reluctant steps toward coming back together.
Evolution, Chapter 2ViewIn which hatchets are buried, a new lair and new outfits are obtained, and an ocean cruise is embarked upon.
Evolution, Chapter 3ViewSkull island time!

Teen Justice Academy Issue 5 - Timelines

Timelines Chapter 1ViewOur heroes find themselves transported through space and time into a different dimension and timeline to face off againt inter-dimensional parasites with the help of some new faces.
Timelines Chapter 2ViewAfter orienting themselves in this new world, our heroes must find a way home, and stop the dastardly plans of an unseen villain.


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