Hero of Thunder Rank/Title in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Hero of Thunder

Ages ago, giants and dragons waged war. These battles are long forgotten by the human civilisations of today, but ancient relics remain. The adventures of the Heroes of Thunder began when the land shuddered once more with the thunder of giant footsteps. Hill giants raided farms for food and livestock, as stone giants lay waste to settlements in their path. Frost giants plundered coastal towns, as fire giants gathered slaves. Cloud giant castles drifted across the sky, casting ominous shadows on the cities of Terra Caelum. But no threat compared to the wrath of the storm giants, who stood betrayed.  


The Heroes of Thunder are the heroes revered in Anauroch for what the part they played in defeating the great blue wyrm Iymrith. The Heroes of Thunder travelled all across the east, saving settlements from giants and gathering allies to defeat a powerful dragon who tried to sow seeds of chaos in the east of Terra Caelum.   The Heroes received their titles from King Hekaton after the Battle of Ascore, and are detailed as such in the novel "Storm King's Thunder" by Gaius Agueleilles.
Civic, Honorific
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