Artifact Categories

Artifacts are categorized by the Age they were created in. The older an artifact is, the stronger and more reliant (less detrimental properties it has, maybe even none) it is.

First World Artifacts

These artifacts showed up after The Second Divergence when Chronos "returned" (or created) the First World timeline. Their beneficial or detrimental properties are random, they might as strong as Titan Artifacts or as weak as Fifth Age artifacts. Their histories tie to the First World, becoming more alien to the people of Tethys.

Titan Artifacts - First Age Artifacts

The most powerful artifacts, created by the Titans themselves to combat theĀ First Gods. They were gifted to mortals and other beings that were on the side of the Titans during the First Age, The Titan War. These items rarely have a detrimental property, always have powerful beneficial properties. However, due to their nature, they are hard to wield by mortals of the Fifth Age. A process of unlocking their powers, step by step, must be followed and each artifact has its own requirements. Those that are able to unlock the full power of a Titan Artifact will be able to change the world.

Godswar Artifacts - Second Age Artifacts

Created during the Second Age. Now, after defeating the Titans, new Gods emerged and a new war started, the Godswar. The powerful gods decided to create their own artifacts and grant them to their followers. These items might be as powerful as the Titan Artifacts themselves but follow a different route. Almost all require the user to be a follower of the artifact creator, those that don't are rare (and sometimes they are just artifacts of gods that are a Dead Power). Each God would have a test for the user to accomplish, most of the time it is vague and the character must go on a journey to seek out the answer.

Kingdoms Artifacts - Third Age Artifacts

After peace started, the mortals could start thinking about themselves, so during the Third Age, they did just that. Powerful magic users created their own artifacts called Arcanum Artifacts. They wouldn't be as powerful as the Godswar or Titan Artifacts but they had an advantage compared to the previous ones - they didn't require a special ritual to unlock their powers (or at least not all of them). Many kingdoms and empires fell during using such artifacts. There is a downside to these items, as they became corrupted at the end of The Calamity. Receiving detrimental properties that could make or break a mortal. Those that survived the corruption, became more powerful. There were still some non-Arcanum artifacts created by they were a minority.

Calamity Artifacts - Fourth Age Artifacts

The coming of Icons created a new conflict and with it, many magic users sacrificed themselves to create powerful artifacts to combat the Icons. Out of the previous artifacts, the Calamity Artifacts have the highest number of Intelligent Items of all. Somewhere powerful warriors, other wizards, while some powerful creatures that were changed into items (willingly or not) to fight for the survival of mortals on Tethys.

Fifth Age Artifacts

These artifacts are few and far between. Some even barely count as artifacts. However, they still exist, even while they have a ton of cons.

Artifact Lists

List of First World Artifacts

List of Titan Artifacts

List of Godswar Artifacts

List of Kingdoms Artifacts

List of Calamity Artifacts

List of Fifth Age Artifacts


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