Celestial Aspects

The Powers of the Celestient Universe


  A Celestial Aspect is the core principle behind Aspectral Powers, and refers to the Imprinted arrangement of Atoms on their Celestial Tapestry that grants them their powers. This is also why the powers themselves are referred to as Aspects, and specifically as "Aspect of (the) _____". Only in modern times have Celestial Aspects been fully and accurately catalogued.   Below is a list of all currently known Aspects.  

Known Aspects


The First 13 Aspects

Also known as the first known aspects after the Great Division of Mankind    
  • Aspect of The Moment - The ability to move through singular moments in time and manipulate the energies contained within them.
  • Aspect of Natural Bind - The ability to gain powers related to the environment in which one was born.
  • Aspect of Force Arms - The ability to subsume one's arms into their own power, converting them into solidified versions of a force or energy.
  • Aspect of Molded Form - The ability to manipulate matter/energy based on a pre-set form one has molded and infused energy to.
  • Aspect of Planes - The ability to create and fold/break/bend planes of space in order to manipulate their environment.
  • Aspect of Persistence - The ability to persist the effects of any phenomenon, sustaining the effects thereof over an extended period.
  • Aspect of Static Generation - The ability to convert the energy of motion into the energy of lightning and magnetism through movement.
  • Aspect of Astral Imbuement - The ability to draw upon, store and convert the energy of Astrals for later use.
  • Aspect of Shadowy Replication - The ability to create and control solid, shadowy after-images of oneself to perform various actions including being a proxy for energy and material manipulation.
  • Aspect of Shattering Impact - The ability to gather ambient energy and release it as a concussive force through motion.
  • Aspect of Floric Guise - The ability to take on some of the properties of Flora, and use them at will, including their appearance and abilities.
  • Aspect of Faunic Guise - The ability to take on some of the properties of Fauna, and use them at will, including appearance and abilities.
  • Aspect of Firmic Guise - The ability to take on some of the properties of inorganic Material (Firma), and use them at will, including appearance and abilities.

Paragonic Aspects

Those Aspects derived from Paragons born throughout the history of the world.
  • Aspect of Spatial Fabric - The ability to create tiny slipstreams, using them to absorb, convert, and release energy and material.
  • Aspect of Liminality - The ability to form a pocket-dimension-type surreality, exist in both simultaneously, and bring matter and energy in and out of that dimension.
  • Aspect of Magnetism - The ability to control and manipulate magnetic fields
  • Aspect of Shrouded Force - The ability to perform feats of power by the infusion and conversion of flux into surrounding material.
  • Aspect of Force Ink - The ability to align one's Celestial Tapestry so strongly with a force that they subsume part of it, creating an ink through which one channels their force directly.
  • Aspect of Faunic Shell - The ability to create a flux 'shell' of a specific animal type, with all the properties and abilities of that specific animal.
  • Aspect of Infused Feather - The ability to create, infuse, and control Flux feathers imbued with energy.
  • Aspect of Swallowed Nature - The ability to absorb and imprint the elements of a natural phenomenon within one's Celestial Tapestry, thereby replicating all or part of it under your control.
  • Aspect of Heat Void - The ability to create, shape, and manipulate Ice by gathering and removing heat from manipulated water.
  • Aspect of the Myst Mold - The ability to create, shape and manipulate Flux into temporary forms. Can also convert material temporarily into flux.
  • Aspect of Miasmic Obfuscation - The ability to manipulate and infuse Flux in such a way as to dazzle and disorient the senses, as well as create deadly clouds.
  • Aspect of Dual Momentum - The ability to absorb motion and use it to defy gravity and maneuver in the air, as well as solidify air in various structures.
  • Aspect of Dual Form - The ability to generate concentrated Coldstone Flux that can be converted between the person's affinity elements at will while under their control.
  • Aspect of Bloodbound Strength - The ability to absorb various energies to improve all physical attributes as well as develop unique personal attributes based on the energies most absorbed.
  • Aspect of Hewn Stone - The ability to bind oneself to stone, as well as hew and manipulate it.
  • Aspect of Molten Stone - The ability to heat, cool, and manipulate earth and lava, while being immune to its effects.
  • Aspect of Empowered Action - The ability to take an action based phenomenon and replicate it using the use of any desired energy.
  • Aspect of Synthesis - The ability to absorb, store, and release Visual type energies through Flux-plants.
  • Aspect of Faunic Empowerment - The ability to greatly increase one's faunic alignment and appearance, thereby enhancing and refining all resulting abilities and improving all physical attributes.
  • Aspect of Force Infusion - The ability to take energy and forcibly convert it to potential energy, and convert stored energy into other energy forms.
  • Aspect of Optical Brilliance - The ability to create dazzling, disorienting, and physically damaging distortions of the Visual-type energies.
  • Aspect of Water Currents - The ability to generate and manipulate water.
  • Aspect of Heat - The ability to generate, and manipulate heat.
  • Aspect of Steam - The ability to generate and manipulate steam through a combination of water and heat manipulation.
  • Aspect of Shimmering - The ability to control Light and/or Dark energies as needed, and to safely convert one to the other without harm.
  • Aspect of Astral Sand - The ability to convert infuse the energy of an Astral into sand, and convert said energy through sand manipulation.
  • Aspect of Adaptation Alignment - The ability to gain an ability in response to danger in a singular moment and inscribe that ability onto the Celestial Tapestry permanently.
  • Aspect of the Datamonger - The ability to absorb, release, and convert electrical signals into bioelectricity, sounds, signals, and other forms of information.
  • Aspect of Infused Control - The ability to infuse objects with motion, allowing control over all materials through said infusion.
  • Aspect of Mystyk Alchemy - The ability to gather and mix select concentrations of energy together to perform powerful feats.
  • Aspect of Elemental Impetus - The ability to manipulate any energy or material through the motion of one's own body.
  • Aspect of Faunic Alignment - The ability to form a bond with a Floric, Faunic or Firmic creature or creatures, combining them within themselves to become greater than the sum of their parts.
  • Aspect of Formed Birthright - The ability to form from pre-bound flux a weapon through which they can channel energies.
  • Aspect of Birthright Relic - The ability to form from pre-bound flux a creation of unique and potent power.
  • Aspect of Astral Impetus - The ability to manipulate and convert Astrals into various energies/materials to strike down from above.
  • Aspect of Birthright Companion - The ability to create from pre-bound flux an elemental puppet under their control.
  • Aspect of Sonic Resonance - The ability to create resonance between objects, including identifying and creating Intonations.
  • Aspect of Fungal Guise - The ability to take on some of the properties of Fungi and use them at will, including appearance and abilities.
  • Aspect of Metal Bond - The ability to manipulate metal, to the point of rendering it into a mercurial state under their control.
  • Aspect of Myst-Water - The ability to breathe a water-based version of flux, as well as manipulate and shape water through this process.
  • Aspect of Gravitational Direction - The ability to create gravitational fields and/or reduce te gravity of an object.
  • Aspect of Focused Pressure - The ability to resist gravity through reverse pressure and apply fierce pressure against any object.
  • Aspect of Dimensional Storage - The ability to create minor pocket dimensions within objects and shunt matter and energy into and out of them at will.
  • Aspect of Projection - The ability to project a force/energy replication in the shape of a particular object.

Fae Aspects

Those Aspects derived from the Fae and their ability to tap into Primordial forces.  
  • Aspect of Fated Action - The ability to use their own Celestial Tapestry to create cause/effect connections and apply them to objects or actions, using internal and ambient energy as the necessary source of power.
  • Aspect of Empowered Flow - The ability to parse through and apply the properties of one or more materials and/or energies at will when manipulating matter.
  • Aspect of Mobius - The ability to multiply up to one's personal control limit any inorganic material or energy garnered from their surroundings.
  • Aspect of Acceleration - The ability to accelerate the flow of momentum or energy in any given direction to one's control limit.
  • Aspect of Infused Amber - The ability to generate a specialized Amber through flux that functions as potent Foci.
  • Aspect of Spectral Replication - The ability to replicate upon analysis any material, energy or object, temporarily or permanently, through use of flux.
  • Aspect of Obscurity - The ability to generate an element and obscure one's form within it, gaining some of its properties as a result.
  • Aspect of Opacity - The ability to render invisible objects invisible and invisible objects visible. Can manipulate objects under these effects.
  • Aspect of Disruption - The ability to see and disrupt flows of energies within a given space.
  • Aspect of Refractal Flux - The ability to generate and manipulate a solidified version of Fluva and Fatua in order to heavily disrupt and damage enemies.
  • Aspect of Ambience - The ability to manipulate, mix and amplify surrounding energies.
  • Aspect of Stasis - The ability to render objects and/or energies inert, as well as create fields of absolute stillness.
  • Aspect of Purification - The ability to, through the use of a conduit element/force, remove impurities from material, flux, or even energy and maintain the ambient energy balance within an area.
  • Aspect of the Cycle - The ability to create conversion flows that transmute energy and matter.
  • Aspect of Transience - The ability to recreate any phenomenon known to the user using ambient energy/material for a brief period of time.
  • Aspect of Attribution - The ability to grant properties attributed to any created or recreated phenomenon to objects.


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