The Circle of the Nexus

This druidic circle operates with a unique structure that reflects its specialized focus on safeguarding the boundaries between the material plane and otherworldly realms. The Circle of the Nexus  is known for its small but dedicated membership, and its hierarchy is designed to efficiently carry out their duties while maintaining the integrity of the realms they protect.   The Circle of the Nexus functions as a tight-knit and specialized group, with each member playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance and harmony of the interconnected realms. The Veilmaster, a High druid of the circle, leads this dedicated team, orchestrating their efforts to protect Glosmordin from unwanted interdimensional intrusions and disturbances, and to facilitate safe and controlled crossings for those who seek to traverse the Nexus borders. Since these nexuses naturally occur and oftentimes are not permanent, the circle will move from place to place.


High Druid: The Veilmaster is the highest-ranking position within the circle, responsible for overseeing all activities and decisions. They possess deep knowledge of interdimensional phenomena and are skilled in sensing fluctuations in the boundaries between realms. The Veilmaster serves as the primary liaison between the Circle and other druidic circles, as well as any visitors seeking to traverse the planes. Their wisdom and authority are crucial for maintaining balance.   Key Positions:   Realmwatchers: These druids specialize in monitoring the boundaries and assessing the stability of the Nexus Planes. They often work in pairs, with one focused on the material plane and the other attuned to a specific otherworldly realm, such as the Fey Realm or the Shadow Realm. Realmwatchers report their findings to the Veilmaster, helping to identify potential breaches or disturbances. They also are experts in guiding individuals through interdimensional crossings. They ensure the safety of travelers, protect them from malevolent entities, and assist with returning them to the material plane when their journeys are complete. Crossing Facilitators also offer guidance on how to navigate the unique challenges of each realm.   Veilkeepers: Veilkeepers are responsible for performing rituals and ceremonies that strengthen the Veil, the mystical barrier that separates the realms. They work diligently to maintain the Veil's integrity, preventing unwanted intrusions and disturbances. Their rituals often involve the use of powerful protective wards and enchantments.   Veillore Scribes: These druids are the circle's historians and researchers, delving into the lore and history of the Nexus Planes. They document accounts of past plane crossings, record encounters with otherworldly entities, and study the effects of interdimensional travel on individuals and the material world.   Gatekeepers: Gatekeepers are responsible for maintaining the mystical gateways that connect the material plane to other realms. They ensure that these gateways remain stable and secure, using their knowledge of ancient rituals and magic to keep the portals intact. In their interactions with inhabitants of other realms, such as the Fey or denizens of the Shadow Realm, Gatekeepers serve as ambassadors of peace and understanding. They negotiate agreements to maintain harmony and peaceful coexistence, ensuring that conflicts remain isolated to their respective domains.

Tenets of Faith

1. Safeguard the boundaries between the material plane and otherworldly realms.   2. Prevent unwanted incursions and disturbances from crossing over.   3. Facilitate safe and controlled journeys between realms.   4. Maintain the Veil's integrity and the harmony of interconnected dimensions.   5. Preserve the lore and history of interdimensional phenomena.

"Guardians of the Nexus, Keepers of Realms."

Druidic Circle
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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