Council of the Verdant Conclave:

Description:The Circles of the Green Father consist of numerous druidic circles, each with its own structure but tailored to their specific focus within nature. Druids have been rarely seen in the recent past and have been often thought of as legends and it was not until the Alcyrians showed up carrying druids. The Druids that came with the Alcyrians immediately set up circles in the forests near New Alcyria. Some say that the appearance of the Druids helped the land begin to heal. There have been discoveries and sightings of ancient druid stone circles in multiple locations with quite a few near the halfling towns. Though Druids are fairly rare in this world, with the reintroduction of druids and the growing of new circles they are more well known but many are very secretive and protective of their circles


No Druid Circle is higher than another. All Circles will convene as part of a Tri-yearly conclave. Council of the Verdant Conclave: The Council of the Verdant Conclave is a gathering of esteemed leaders from the Circles of the Green Father, convened annually to discuss the needs, concerns, and requests of the various Druidic Circles. This council serves as a vital platform for collaboration, decision-making, and the preservation of harmony within the sacred order of nature. The Oakwarden, representing the Guardians of the Green Father, also holds a seat on this council, bridging the gap between the Guardians and the Druids.   Membership: The council is composed of the leaders of the major Druidic Circles, numbering eleven in total. Each Circle is represented by its leader or, in the leader's absence, the second-in-command.   Oakwarden's Role: The Oakwarden, as the highest authority among the Guardians of the Green Father, holds an honorary seat on the council. They act as a liaison between the Guardians and the Druids, ensuring that the interests and concerns of both groups are considered.   Annual Meeting: The council convenes once a year at a location selected for its natural beauty and spiritual significance. This location may rotate among different Druidic Circles, strengthening the bond between the Circles and the lands they protect.   Agenda: The council's agenda includes discussions on topics such as environmental conservation, protection of endangered species, the balance of ecosystems, and any issues affecting the natural world. They also deliberate on strategies to foster understanding and cooperation among the Circles.   Decision-Making: While the council operates on consensus and strives to reach unanimous decisions, a majority vote can be used when necessary. Decisions made by the council are binding on all member Circles.   Harmony and Resolution: One of the council's primary objectives is to resolve disputes and conflicts among Circles peacefully. The leaders bring forth concerns and seek guidance and support from their fellow Druids to find harmonious solutions.   Cultural Exchange: The council promotes cultural exchange by sharing rituals, traditions, and teachings from each Circle. This fosters a deeper understanding of the diverse ways in which Druids honor and connect with the natural world.   Educational Initiatives: The council collaborates on educational initiatives, ensuring that knowledge and wisdom are shared among all Circles. This includes the preservation of ancient texts, lore, and rituals.   Environmental Initiatives: The council may undertake joint environmental projects, such as reforestation efforts, habitat restoration, or the protection of endangered species, reflecting their commitment to active stewardship of the land.   The Council of the Verdant Conclave is a symbol of unity and collaboration among the Circles of the Green Father, dedicated to the shared goal of protecting and nurturing the natural world. Through this council, the Druids and Guardians strengthen their bonds and work collectively to safeguard the sanctity of nature across Glosmordin.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the cycles of nature and its seasons.   Cultivate a deep connection with the natural world.   Protect and heal the land and its creatures.   Seek wisdom in the whispers of the wind and the rustling leaves.   Share the teachings of Kanach and the harmony of existence.


Circle of Renewal:   Circle of the Dyad Lunar Phases:   Circle of the Nectar:   Circle of the Orbs of Omens:   Circle of the Primordials:   Circle of the Rippling Deep:   Circle of the Saprophytes:   Circle of the Unnatural:   Circle of the Wandering Ardentia:   Circle of Vorthr's Dominion:   Circle of the Nexus Planes   Circle of Companions:   Circle of the Ancestors:   Circle of the Dreamwalkers:

"In the Heart of the Grove, We Find the Balance."

Religious, Druidic Circle
Parent Organization


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