Circle of the Wandering Ardentia

The Circle of the Wandering Ardentia is a mysterious druidic circle that delves deep into the enigmatic world beneath the earth's surface, exploring caves, caverns, and the extensive network of subterranean tunnels. They are driven by a profound curiosity for the hidden realms and the secrets that lie within the earth's depths.

Tenets of Faith

Respect the delicate balance between the surface world and the underground realms.   Preserve the unique ecosystems of caves, caverns, and tunnels.   Seek knowledge and understanding of the mysteries hidden beneath the earth.   Establish peaceful connections with the denizens of the underworld.   Protect against any disturbances that may threaten the surface or underground realms.


High Ardentian Druid (Leadership Role): The High Ardentian Druid serves as the circle's leader, responsible for guiding its members in their exploration of the underground world. They are the custodians of the knowledge related to the subterranean realms and seek to maintain balance between the surface world of Glosmordin and the enigmatic depths below.   Chthonic Scholars: Chthonic Scholars are druids who specialize in unraveling the mysteries of underground ecosystems. They study the unique flora and fauna found in caves and caverns, as well as the energy sources that sustain life in the subterranean realms.   Underdark Navigators: Tunnel Navigators are experts in mapping and navigating the complex labyrinth of subterranean tunnels. They explore new passages and help the circle members traverse the intricate underground landscape safely.   Underdark Liaisons: Underdark Liaisons serve as diplomats and communicators with the denizens of the underworld, including creatures like drow, duergar, and other subterranean beings. They seek to establish peaceful interactions and maintain a delicate balance between the surface and the underground.   Stewards of Ardentia: Stewards of Balance are responsible for ensuring that the exploration and activities in the underground world do not disrupt the equilibrium of the surface world. They harmonize the energies between the two realms and protect against any threats that may arise from their interactions.

"Balancing the Darkness Below and the Light Above."

Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
Circle of Dreams
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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