Circle of the Ancients

The Circle of the Ancients is a revered druidic circle within the Church of Kanach, dedicated to preserving the wisdom and memory of the past, particularly through the ancient natural sites of Glosmordin. This circle holds a deep reverence for the ancestors of all living beings and seeks to maintain a strong connection to the spirits of those who came before. The Circle of the Ancestors believes that by understanding the lessons of the past, they can guide and protect the future.


Elderwarden Archdruid: The spiritual leader who guides the circle's direction, focusing on the wisdom and preservation of ancestral knowledge tied to ancient natural sites.   Soul Whisperers: Communicators with the spirits of the deceased, especially those connected to ancient natural sites. They bridge the gap between the living and the ancestors.   Memory Keepers: Archivists and historians who record and maintain the history, stories, and knowledge associated with ancient natural sites, ensuring their legacy endures.   Eldertree Guardians: Caretakers of ancient Eldertrees, responsible for their protection and vitality. They maintain the connection between Eldertrees, ancestral spirits, and the living.   Ancestral Guardians: Protectors of both sacred burial sites and ancient natural sites, ensuring their sanctity and conducting rituals to honor ancestral spirits.

Tenets of Faith

Respect for Ancestral Sites: We hold deep reverence for the ancient natural sites that connect us to the wisdom of our forebears.   Preservation of Natural Legacies: We are entrusted with the responsibility of preserving and passing down the knowledge, stories, and traditions tied to ancient natural sites.   Connection to Ancestral Spirits: We maintain a spiritual connection with the spirits of the deceased, especially those intertwined with the essence of Eldertrees and other sacred natural landmarks.   Protection of Sacred Sites: We safeguard and protect both the resting places of our ancestors and the ancient natural sites that bear their memory, ensuring their sanctity remains undisturbed.   Harmony with Nature: We recognize that our bond with the past is intertwined with our connection to the natural world, and we strive to maintain harmony with both.   Continual Learning: We are committed to lifelong learning, embracing the lessons of the past through the study of ancient natural sites and their significance.   Guidance and Guardianship: We serve as both stewards of ancestral wisdom and guardians of the legacy, ensuring that it remains relevant and valuable to those who follow.   Ceremonial Observance: We conduct rituals and ceremonies to honor and remember our ancestors and the ancient natural sites, keeping their memory alive in our hearts and minds.   Eldertree Communion: We respect and commune with ancient Eldertrees, recognizing them as living conduits to the past and bridges to ancestral spirits.   Harboring Hope: We believe that by understanding the past, we can navigate the present and build a better future, guided by the wisdom of those who came before us and the sacred natural landmarks that bear their memory.


Elderwarden Arch Druid: The Arch Druid of Ancestry serves as the circle's spiritual leader, responsible for guiding its members in the pursuit of ancestral wisdom. They communicate with the spirits of the past, especially those intertwined with ancient natural sites like Eldertrees, and oversee rituals and ceremonies dedicated to the ancestors.   Soul Whisperer: Soul Whisperers possess a unique ability to communicate with the spirits of the deceased, particularly those whose essence resides within ancient natural sites. They act as intermediaries between the living and the ancestors, seeking guidance, offering prayers, and ensuring that the wisdom of the past is shared and preserved.   Memory Keepers: Memory Keepers are the archivists and historians of the circle, specializing in the history and significance of ancient natural sites. They meticulously record and maintain the stories, knowledge, and traditions passed down through generations, especially those tied to these sacred places.   Eldertree Guardians: Eldertrees are revered as living connections to the past, and Guardians of the Eldertrees are responsible for their care and protection. They mediate between the spirits of the land, the Eldertrees, and the ancestors, maintaining the sanctity of these ancient groves and ensuring their vitality.   Ancestral Guardians: Ancestral Guardians not only protect sacred burial sites but also the ancient natural sites and landscapes that hold ancestral significance. They conduct rituals to honor the spirits of the deceased and safeguard these sacred spaces from desecration.

"In the Heart of Nature, We Embrace the Echoes of the Past."

Druidic Circle
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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