Circle of Vorthr's Dominion

The Circle of Vorthr's Dominion is an eclectic assembly of druids from the distant realm of Alcyria, who recently arrived in the world of Glosmordin, seeking a new purpose. Theirs is a unique journey of faith and adaptation, as they had to reconcile their ancient beliefs with the enigmatic and uncharted world they now call home. This circle is distinct from many others in the Druidic Circles of the Green Father, serving as a bridge between the old and new, and playing a central role in unifying and expanding the druidic community of Glosmordin. When the Alcyrians first arrived in Glosmordin, they brought with them the devotion to their own deities. However, the connection with their gods was weakened in the new world, leading them to embrace the native gods of Glosmordin. They perceived these native deities as reflections of their own, guiding their journey into a new spiritual path.   In this transformation, the Alcyrians have blended the sacred traditions of their homeland with the mysteries and wonders of Glosmordin. Their Druidic Circle represents a diverse amalgamation of cultures and belief systems, all working harmoniously to safeguard and nurture the natural world. Through their unique perspective and experiences, the Alcyrian druids have taken on the mantle of uniting the fragmented druidic circles in Glosmordin and rekindling the ancient bonds that connect all druids.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace both the old and the new, recognizing that wisdom can be drawn from both worlds.   Seek unity and mutual understanding, fostering connections between Alcyrian and Glosmordin druids.   Protect the natural beauty and sanctity of Glosmordin, preserving it for future generations.   Respect the new and share the rich traditions of Alcyrian druidism while adapting to the ever-changing present.   Learn to understand and respect the perspectives of those here regarding the Green Father.   Embrace and protect the unique flora and fauna of Glosmordin   Ensure elemental balance and harmony    Create and maintain safe and inclusive sanctuaries for all druids.


Vorthr's Envoy or The Druid of the Old Faith (High Druid): The Druid of the Old Faith are the spiritual leaders of the circle, responsible for maintaining the knowledge with their Greunvater. They act as mediators between the old Alcyrian faith and the new world, striving to find common ground and create harmony between the Alcyrians and the native Glosmordin druids.   Envoys of Alcyria: Envoys of Alcyria focus on building bridges between the Alcyrian druids and the Glosmordin druidic circles. They are experts in diplomacy, creating alliances, and nurturing a sense of unity and shared purpose among the circles.   Keepers of Glosmordin: Keepers of Glosmordin are dedicated to safeguarding the natural beauty and sanctity of this newfound world. They explore the mysteries and secrets of Glosmordin, working to preserve it for the benefit of all its inhabitants.   Chroniclers of the Old Ways: Chroniclers of the Old Ways are responsible for recording and preserving the history and traditions of Alcyrian druidism. They maintain ancient texts and sacred lore, allowing the circle to access its rich heritage while adapting to the present.   Chroniclers of the New: They seek to understand the unique flora and fauna of Glosmordin, embracing the new environment and its inherent mysteries, while respecting the ties to their original homeland.   Sanctuary Stewards: Sanctuary Stewards focus on creating and maintaining safe and sacred spaces for druids of all backgrounds. They oversee groves and sanctuaries that welcome all to share in their faith and knowledge.

"In Ancient Whispers, We Serve." "One Faith, Two Worlds, Infinite Wisdom."

Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
Circle of the Land
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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