Circle of the Unnatural

The Circle of the Unnatural takes on the formidable task of preserving and maintaining balance in a world fraught with monsters, beholders, and unnatural phenomena. In a realm where evil gods and wild magic can disrupt the harmony of nature, this circle stands as a stalwart defender of the delicate ecological equilibrium.

Tenets of Faith

Guard the Balance: Preserve the balance of nature in the presence of unnatural phenomena and monsters.   Study the Aberrant: Seek to understand the strange and the otherworldly to better protect the natural world.   Neutralize Threats: Confront and subdue monstrous threats that endanger the environment.   Monitor Anomalies: Observe, research, and catalog unnatural occurrences, documenting their impact on nature.   Protect the Wildweird: Ensure that even the most bizarre forms of life do not disrupt the overall ecosystem.   Contain Wild Magic: Harness and manage the unpredictable energies of wild magic to prevent harm to nature.   Defend the Boundaries: Safeguard the borders between the material plane and extraplanar realms, preventing harmful intrusions.


Mystic Stalkers: The Mystic Stalkers explores the mysterious and mystical aspects of nature, embracing the unknown and unnatural. They lead rituals to commune with enigmatic beings and seek hidden knowledge. They lead the circle's efforts in confronting and understanding the unnatural. They command an innate connection with the abominable, using their powers to protect the natural world from strange and otherworldly threats. They are both guardian and scholar, guiding the circle in its mission.   Eldrich Inquisitors: Monster Hunters are experts in tracking, understanding, and subduing monstrous threats to nature. They are skilled in combat and strategy, taking on the dangerous creatures that threaten the natural order.   Peculiarity Pathfinders: Peculiarity Pathfinders are keen observers of the unnatural phenomena affecting flora, fauna, and the landscape. They collect data and conduct research to discern the effects of wild magic, extraplanar intrusions, and unexplained events.   Wildweird Druids: Wildweird Keepers are the circle's caretakers of the "wildweird," peculiar and bizarre plants and animals that exist due to magical anomalies. They ensure these creatures and phenomena do not disrupt the overall balance of nature.   Magia Wardens: Magia Wardens specialize in understanding and managing the erratic energies of wild magic. They work to mitigate the harmful impacts of unchecked magical forces on the environment and assist in cleansing affected areas.

"Wild magic bends, but it doesn't break."

Druidic Circle
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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