Circle of the Rippling Deep

The Circle of the Rippling Deep is a druidic order dedicated to the protection and preservation of aquatic realms, which encompass not only the vast oceans but also the serene lakes, meandering rivers, and babbling streams. This circle recognizes the vital role that water bodies play in the world's ecosystems and strives to maintain their health and balance. The Tidal Sovereign, their esteemed leader, is responsible for overseeing their efforts and safeguarding these precious watery domains.

Tenets of Faith

Respect the interconnectedness of all aquatic life.   Safeguard the purity and health of water bodies.   Nurture and protect underwater ecosystems and their inhabitants.   Collaborate with aquatic communities and honor their wisdom.   Study and learn from the mysteries of the deep.   Strive for the restoration of damaged water habitats.   Promote harmony between land and water realms.   Teach and share the importance of water conservation.   Uphold the cycle of water, from source to sea and back.   Embrace the serenity found in the rippling deep.


Tidal Sovereign (Leadership Role): The Tidal Sovereign stands as the guiding force within the circle, entrusted with the preservation and exploration of aquatic realms. They lead expeditions to the ocean's depths, the heart of lakes, and the course of rivers, striving to maintain the delicate balance of these environments. With their profound connection to the watery domains, they navigate treacherous currents and defend these ecosystems from external threats.   Marine Sages: Within the circle, the Marine Sages are the custodians of underwater knowledge. Their role involves dedicated research and scholarship, aiming to deepen the understanding of the diverse life forms inhabiting aquatic environments. They record the intricacies of these ecosystems, helping the circle make informed decisions to protect and nurture them.   Tidecallers: The Tidecallers, experts in the realm of coral reefs, hold a vital position within the circle. They use their druidic powers to mend and restore damaged coral reefs, ensuring the flourishing of underwater biodiversity. Their work involves healing these fragile ecosystems, which are often at the mercy of pollution, and invasive species. They are also specialists in predicting and influencing the tides, enabling them to maintain the balance of coastal communities and ecosystems. They use their knowledge of tidal cycles to prevent natural disasters such as floods and tsunamis. Tidecallers also harness the moon's power to protect coastal areas and aid in the survival of marine life. Messengers of the Deep: The Aquatic Envoys act as ambassadors between the circle and the numerous beings that inhabit the watery domains. Their role requires strong diplomatic skills as they establish connections and foster cooperation with aquatic creatures. These envoys help form bonds between the circle and the denizens of the deep.   Siltwardens: Siltwardens are responsible for the protection and preservation of riverbeds, wetlands, and other freshwater environments. They use their druidic abilities to safeguard these crucial habitats and ensure the well-being of their inhabitants. Siltwardens work to prevent pollution, habitat destruction, and the exploitation of these essential waterways.

"In the Depths, We Find Serenity and Responsibility."

Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
Circle of Waves
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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