Circle of the Companions

The Circle of Companions is a dedicated druidic circle within the Church of Kanach, with a profound commitment to the welfare and harmony of animals within the natural world. This circle deeply acknowledges the essential role that animals play in the intricate web of the ecosystem. Their primary goal is to enhance the connection between animals and humans while focusing on three key pillars: communication with animals, conservation, and the ethical treatment of creatures. Each member of this Circle has an Animal companion that stays with them

Tenets of Faith

Ecosystem Stewardship: We are dedicated to the well-being of animals and the balance of the natural world, recognizing their intrinsic value within the ecosystem.   Enhancing Connections: We strive to strengthen the bonds between humans and animals through effective communication and understanding.   Conservation Commitment: We are unwavering in our commitment to conserving the natural world and its diverse inhabitants.   Ethical Treatment: We champion the ethical and humane treatment of animals, ensuring their dignity and welfare.   Harmony Advocacy: We serve as advocates for the harmonious coexistence of animals and humans, preserving the balance and unity of our shared world.


Bondsmaster Arch Druid: The Bondsmaster leads the circle with a mission to strengthen the bonds between humans and the animal kingdom. They are experts in communicating with animals and spearhead initiatives for ethical and harmonious coexistence.   Beastspoken: Beastspoken within the circle are champions of wildlife and the protection of natural habitats. They work diligently to preserve the delicate balance of the ecosystem and maintain the well-being of animal species. Dedicated to the ethical treatment of creatures, ensuring that animals are treated with respect and kindness. They are committed to preventing cruelty and promoting ethical practices.   Bondsworn: These druids are gifted in the art of communicating with animals, serving as bridges between the human and animal worlds. They teach others to understand and respect the language of animals, fostering deeper connections. These druids are dedicated to safeguarding the sacred bond between druids and their animal companions. They ensure that no harm befalls these vital relationships, defending them against external threats and disturbances. They specialize in the training and education of animal companions. They work closely with druids to foster obedience, mutual understanding, and the development of unique skills that the animals can use to aid their druidic partners.

"Empathy for All Beings."

Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
Circle of the Shepherds
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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