Campaign 2: Session 2 - Travels with my Mother

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • General Session: 100XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Total: 200XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Successful Crafting: 20XP
  • Total: 120XP
Orville Wepple
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 120XP
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Total: 100XP
The Wretch
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Total: 100XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Total: 100XP

Missions/Quests Completed

We learn about what has been happening with Anpu Winkybits. Following the skirmish in Pallof's Crater, she and her companions laid low in Arkeluw, keeping an eye on present events as The Radana Storme Institute burns to the ground.   A short while after their skirmish, a rockslide causes the Deep to be torn open, causing the Bauk that guard it to flood out into the city, slaughtering the population as they go. In the ensuing chaos, prisoners break free of the Deep and scatter across the city. The hostages of Iona Arkenank among them.   With her incentive to remain gone, and with the instruction of her patron Marani, Anpu Winkybits leaves Arkeluw alongside Sarlaren. Yahn, Ino, Cowabunga Peppermill, and Pallof Gimgy remain in Arkeluw in order to continue their investigation into the Crimson Dawn.   The two travel to Yaszaw and there book tickets to board the Mamnomaga. Before departing the city, Anpu spends time in the city's Ground of Faces, honouring the dead.    Meanwhile, Orville Wepple makes his way to join his companions at the station of the Mamnomaga, when a woman calls out to him. He turns to see that his mother is hastily following him, still draped in a dressing gown. She angrily scolds him for breaking into the Hostel Harmonia, and for attempting to leave without saying goodbye. She asks if he has packed his bags properly and brushed his teeth, and as she busies herself trying to support him, he suggests that she go with him. She considers it for a moment and she agrees to do so.   Orville Wepple, Anpu Winkybits and Sarlaren make their way to the Mamnomaga Station. As they stand on the platform, The Wretch notices them and recognises that Anpu Winkybits was an individual who appeared on wanted posters. He keeps a keen eye on her and Thalmun Burrowale as the Mamnomaga rolls into the station.   As Tedduch Stoutman approaches, a spectral figure emerges from a carriage and gives instruction on how to board the Mamnomaga. He identifies himself as Aleksander Bartosz and orders that weapons should be handed over to the attendants as they board.    Thalmun Burrowale does not board at first, but instead spends time curiously admiring the runes that keep the Mamnomaga functioning and that maintain its magic. He considers modifying the runes to change the potency of the train, however he thinks better of it. Meanwhile, Tedduch Stoutman goes to speak to the driver, and meets a group of Mammoth Riders. The Giants are stunned and impressed when Tedduch speaks to them perfectly in their language. A Giant identifies himself as Amaruq, and names Tedduch as a friend of the Giants. As Tedduch goes to board, he speaks to the other Giants who look at Tedduch with awe.   As the group board, Orville Wepple hands over his weapons, but as others are handing over their own equipment, he unleashes a strange tentacle of magic which trails behind the attendant and slips a dagger from the weapons bin. The tentacle crawls behind the attendant who is distracted by a frustrating encounter with Tedduch Stoutman who continuously offers more and more random pieces of clutter such as bottle corks that he thinks might be considered a weapon.   Thalmun Burrowale has his hammer confiscated at the weapon's bin, and immediately makes his way to his room in order to work on crafting himself a new hammer out of wire.   Sarlaren boards the train and holds up the queue as he spends a huge amount of time removing all of his daggers and hidden weapons.   The Wretch boards and seems to make the attendants uncomfortable, a fact that he uses his advantage in order to smuggle a dagger onto the Mamnomaga and avoid having it confiscated.   As the Mamnomaga is about to depart, a flustered Audrey Wepple jumps to catch the train with all of her bags. Being so hurried and panicked, the attendants do not even have time to check her for weapons, and the little Gnome makes her way to her room with Orville and reveals that she has brought along a whole cleaver, as well as a baguette of bread and multiple bags of various sweet treats.   She goes out of the room to meet Orville's new friends and is very friendly toward Tedduch Stoutman and Zi. Tedduch Stoutman attempts to flirt with her and she is very dismissive of him and his behaviour. She takes a shine to Zi however, and offers her food. Zi accepts enthusiastically and she introduces herself as Audrey Wepple.   They are interrupted by the image of Aleksander Bartosz who offers the options of a fighting pit, a library, a casino, and multiple bars and restaurants aboard the Mamnomaga. He asks them to enjoy their journey before disappearing. Audrey Wepple returns to her room with Zi and Orville Wepple, making her a sandwich with many fillings, as well as offering her a pouch of berry knots that she baked herself.   Meanwhile, Tedduch Stoutman makes his way around the train trying to find the Dwarf that had been rude to him. An attendant knocks on Thalmun Burrowale's door to offer him a menu. As they do, Tedduch notices the Dwarf and rushes to confront him. He at first gets angry at his being rude, but as he starts to excitedly talk about the Mamnomaga's unique runes, Tedduch is distracted and begins telling him about the Giant Book. He opens the book and Thalmun is confused yet intrigued as the book talks to him.   The book explains that he lived in the Second Era, and was bound to the book by the curse of a witch. It is revealed that the book likewise is powered by curiously shaped runes, but it is clear that these are very different from those of the Mamnomaga.   Tedduch talks about his hope to eventually bind a soul to a weapon, a magical project which piques Thalmun Burrowale's interest significantly.   As all this is happening, The Wretch quietly remains at the door of his compartment and eavesdrops on the conversations outside. He also patiently waits for a menu that never arrives.   As Orville is in the room of his compartment, he looks out of the window and sees a group of riders watching the course of the Mamnomaga. One of them is a warrior draped in obsidian armour. They turn their horses and ride alongside the Mamnomaga.