Campaign 2: Session 29 - The Death of a Party Member

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 330XP
  • Damage: 127XP
  • Encounter: 350XP
  • MVP: 350XP
  • Total: 1057XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Total: 290XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 150XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Total: 350XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Total: 260XP
  Orville Wepple
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 120XP
  • Encounter: 350XP
  • Total: 570XP

Missions/Quests Completed

12th Spriarjeń 269 5E   In his catatonic haze, The Wretch dreams of his past, looking down upon himself as he survives a gauntlet of trials, as we witnesses his fight against an angry mob and as he slaughters cultists.   He briefly hears the sound of Teddy farting, though he is unable to draw himself from his unconscious state, instead only capable of impotently listening to what is happening beyond his resting place.   Meanwhile, Orville wakes up from yet another unconscious stupour, trapped in the conscious body of Russell Tideborn and bound hand and foot. He unwittingly exposes himself to Teddy, and unfortunately with what little consciousness he is able to attain, The Wretch sees it as well.   Orville gets up and makes his way into the forest, he makes his way to hide behind a tree and there he enjoys some "alone time", conjuring some tentacles to help him in doing so.   Whilst Orville enjoys his own company, Tedduch departs the camp and goes foraging for supplies. Awenir requests that Teddy bring back a number of herbs such as yarrow, nettles, and Garundas Wort. Teddy does so, and returns with yarrow and nettles, as well as some potatoes to make a stew.   After reaching satisfaction, Orville Wepple makes his way into the forest as well and there attempts to hunt. He realises upon finding a deer that he has no means by which to kill the animal, and so he uses his Magic to communicate in a way that the deer can understand and he convinces the deer to lower its head and close its eyes, earning its trust and gaslighting the animal before crushing its skull.lures an animal to its death.   Meanwhile, as Teddy returns to the encampment with his supplies, he reunites with Zi, who found the party some hours past. Both express relief at seeing the other, and Teddy takes the time to prepare them all a meal from the various plans and herbs he gathered.   Orville likewise returned to camp, proudly baring the corpse of the deer that he slew. He insists that his meal would be better than any Tedduch can make, and the two agree to a cooking contest adjudicated by Zi.   After both take the time to prepare their dishes, it is agreed by most of the campers that Teddy's potato stew was the superior meal of the two.   Likewise, as the two prepare their own meals, Awenir produces a broth made with nettles, yarrow, and blood from the dead deer. A broth he then provides for the catatonic Wretch to preserve his strength.   Having eaten and rejuvinated themselves, the party sit down to make a plan for the future. After some debate and discussion, they agree that Zi should take Awenir and fly ahead to Istanbrakt to get help whilst the rest of the group follow the road on foot. When this has been agreed, Zi and Awenir depart, and the rest of the group pack up their camp and begin to make ground towards Istanbrakt.   Elsewhere, a ship glides along the Rewa Ojo, and after getting some sleep in the captain's cabin, Thalmun Burrowale emerges to go about his day.    Thalmun Burrowale moves around the Mastorian river vessel and gets to know the other crew-members. Here he meets a drunk crewman who shows him a lot of disrespect, and a deeply patriotic and chaotic crewman with a strange accent.   After these uncomfortable exchanges, Thalmun takes time to study the ship's weaponry and machinery. He discovers that the vessel is a warship resigned for combat on a river and utilised flame cannons condensed into sharp flaming beams. With time he gains a knowledge of their mechanisms and how they might be utilised.   As Thalmun works on his research, the rest of the party continues to make their way along the path towards Istanbrakt. The group moves slowly, having only broken camp in the mid-afternoon, and having only made a few hours distance, before halting their march due to the exhausiton of some of the party's members.   Meanwhile, further along the path to Istanbrakt, Zi finds space in a tree for her and Awenir to perch and rest.   13th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Thalmun Burrowale would wake up in the captain's cabin and would set to work on his own projects. He would take time to place a basic enchantment on one of Teddy's javelins, ensuring that it would return to him on request.   Meanwhile, back at the wider party's camp, Orville Wepple separates from the group and makes his way into the forest. He climbs a tree and there meets a squirrel whom he communicates with using his Magic. He decides to call the squirrel Tubuscus, and over time convinces it to seek adventure and join Orville on his travels.   Excitedly, Orville makes his way back to the party's camp and proudly goes to introduce the group to his new friend. Tedduch sees an animal on Orville's shoulder which he identifies as vermin, and hastily launches a javelin at the animal. Tubuscus is killed in a cloud of blood before either Tubuscus or Orville even knew what was happening.    In his grief and his rage, Orville Wepple attacks Teddy. He is unable to win the fight however, and is quickly knocked unconscious by Tedduch's retaliation.   The group wait for Orville to wake up before they depart, and when he does, he moves to attack Tedduch again. Teddy knocks him out again and this time they tie him up so that he can cause no more trouble on their journey.   As the group prepare to depart, The Wretch grows feverish and shakes aggressively. Within his dreams, The Wretch sees flashes of his past, and all of them invaded by a strange entity with a helmet in the shape of a boar's head.    The group break camp and depart for Istanbrakt. On this day they make a solid progress, racing as fast as they might until they are too exhausted to continue.   Zi meanwhile, wakes up to find Awenir likewise shaking and feverish, and rushes to make it to the city even faster, flying as fast as their wings might take them.   Along the Rewa Ojo, Thalmun becomes the first of the party to reach the port of Istanbrakt and there concludes his journey, and ventures out towards a new adventure.   14th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Zi leaves her perch in the trees and with a near-unconscious Awenir, she continues rushing towards the city of Istanbrakt. It takes only a few hours more before Zi emerges over the hills and reaches the outskirts of Istanbrakt. They land before the city gates and there continue into the depths of the metropolis.   The larger party meanwhile continue on their way, noticing as they go that The Wretch's injuries have grown worse and how deep the infection has set in. The party walk until Sarlaren is so exhausted he can barely walk and then they set up their camp.   15th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The next day, the group continue and manage a full day of travel before breaking early due to the exhaustion of the party. They keep Orville Wepple unconscious and tied up along with Russell Tideborn.   16th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The group break camp and continue yet again, though as they cross over the foothills, they are met by a carriage, steered by a small child and occupied by a beautiful woman with white hair who refers to herself as Rosa, the sister of Awenir, who claims to have been sent to get them by Zi.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
07 Apr 2024