Campaign 2: Session 30 - Istanbrakt

Rewards Granted

The Wretch
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • In Person: 100XP
  • Damage: 379XP
  • Encounter: 600XP
  • Enemies: 1000XP
  • Kills: 80XP
  • Skills: 30XP
  • Bonus XP: 60XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Total: 2649XP
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • In Person: 100XP
  • Damage: 247XP
  • Encounter: 600XP
  • Enemies: 1000XP
  • Kills: 120XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Total: 2227XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • In Person: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Total: 390XP
Orville Wepple
  • Participation: 100XP
  • In Person: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Total: 390XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • Participation: 100XP
  • In Person: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Total: 290XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Participation: 100XP
  • In Person: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Total: 290XP

Missions/Quests Completed

17th Spriarjeń 269 5E   A carriage traverses the foothills that border the city of Istanbrakt. Anpu and Sarlaren sit on the back of the carriage and quietly get drunk together. Tedduch Stoutman sits on the roof watching for signs of potential threats, The Wretch remains unconscious and feverish within the carriage, and Orville Wepple and Russell Tideborn lie tied up besides him.   Orville Wepple wakes up within the carriage, bound hand and foot and there overhears his companion Pawel communicating with the Awenir's sister Rosa. She explains how she and Awenir grew up together in Honorow Orphanage and were raised by their fathers.    Whilst the two are distracted by conversation, Orville busies himself loosing his binds and freeing himself, before leaping from his place on the floor and bursting from the back of the carriage. Anpu Winkybits and Sarlaren are both thrown from their space on the back of the carriage and while Sarlaren manages to cling to the door, Anpu faceplants the trail below. Meanwhile, Orville springs to the ground and sprints straight from the trail and into the depths of the forest.   The group opt not to try and follow Orville and instead continue on to finally arrive at the city of Istanbrakt. The carriage enters through the gates and and follows the city overpass before descending down into the depths of a more run-down district. There they traverse the slums to eventually reach the Honorow Orphanage.   From the orphanage, The Wretch is taken in to receive medical treatment, whilst the group are taken to a room to reunite with Zi and Audrey Wepple, much to everyone's pleasant surprise.   Audrey shares her own experience in reaching the city of Istanbrakt, and discloses that they were taken as a hostage of Captain Iwo and were made to attend an inquest of the Istanbrakt Konstat. As was the word given to her, Captain Iwo would have her released following the inquest.    Captain Iwo wanted to send soldiers to exterminate the survivors from the Dystrykt Waldawa but he was overruled by Count Myron Rystotin who insisted on full pardons for all members of the party.   From there, the Count arranged a carriage in order to take Audrey Wepple to Honorow Orphanage where she met it's proprieters Dobrogost and Romulus, before reuniting with Thalmun Burrowale, Zi, and Awenir.   Whilst Audrey Wepple tells her story and inquires as to the whereabouts of her son, Orville Wepple arrives in the city of Istanbrakt. Rather than taking the overpass as his companions did, and garnering a clear view of the sprawling capital, he continues into the depths of the city whilst screaming for his mother.    Orville continues his search for hours until he reaches the space around the Stadon Milena, finding a space lively with excited citizens. Orville enjoys a search amongst the local vendors and finds one from which he buys a goluptsi wrap before making his way into the stadium.   After queuing for some time, he speaks with a ticket vendor named Milo who explains the contest that is taking place that day, and offers chances to either book a seat, to gamble, or to enlist as a participant in the impending melee.    Orville instead gets to know Milo and convinces him to open up and express his dream to one day fight in the arena. Milo claims that he is very good at throwing things. Orville inspires him to go and participate in the upcoming melee, promising to manage the ticket booth, but then simply putting up a sign saying that the vendor is closed. Milo meanwhile excitedly rushes down into the changing room to prepare for the bloodbath.   Orville meanwhile sneaks into the arena and gets himself a front row seat to watch the melee.   Back at Honorow Orphanage, The Wretch wakes up in a bedroom, and finds an Elven man sat by his bedside. The Elf identifies himself as Romulus, and explains that he is the proprietor of Honorow Orphanage, where The Wretch now finds himself.   After some momentary concern and struggle to get himself back on his feet, Romulus supports The Wretch and takes him through to the library to see his friends. In the library, Rosa shows the party a variety of spaces where she has been hiding her stache of alcohol.   Upon seeing The Wretch in the company of an Elf, Tedduch immediately snaps and is suspicious of him as a result of his species. As he hears more of Teddy's concerns, Romulus assures him that he has nothing to do with The Pauri Empire or atrocities that were perpetrated thousands of years ago, but he refuses to explain why he had to leave Pauros.   Dobrogost follows his Avowed Match into the room and explains a little as to how they met, and his own position in the city and in the Grand Council. This further makes Teddy suspicious that Romulus might be exerting political influence through his Avowed-Match for his own sinister intentions.   After a tense conversation, the group agree to go out and enjoy the Designation Festival. Prior to departing, Rosa speaks to Teddy, telling him the story of how her uncle was a butcher, and how he attempted to rat on the local gangs, only to have them kill his mother slowly in retaliation, and making him watch. She uses this tale as a warning to threaten harm to Zi if he does not keep Romulus' presence at the Orphanage a secret.   The party go to the arena where they find themselves stuck in an obnoxiously long and winding queue. Zi, Pawel, and The Wretch sign on to fight in the melee, whilst the rest of the group book cheap seats to watch the combat. Before they depart, Tedduch offers the flame-thrower to The Wretch to use in the combat.   Within the stands, Anpu finds a space to drink alone, whilst the rest of the group take their place in the crowd. Across the stands, and down in the more expensive seating, Tedduch Stoutman spots Orville Wepple preparing to spectate the combat.    Tedduch attempts to rush from his seats down the stadium to apprehend the Gnome, but he is spotted by the Stadium's guards who tackle him and drag him out of the arena.   Meanwhile, Zi, The Wretch, Pawel, and Milo take their place in the arena and the fight begins. Zi quickly takes to the sky, periodically sweeping down on her enemies.   The Wretch embarks upon his onslaught by causing horrified screams among the crowd. He unleashes a hideous blast from the flame-thrower, capably incinerating five of his opponents, and brutally burning two more.   Pawel begins to enthusiastically fight his way through the crowd, knocking down one combatant after another with abject glee.   Two Giants charge through a sea of fighters, squashing anyone in their path before engaging one another. Killing any unfortunate soul that wander into their radius.   Milo keeps at a safe distance and launches javelins across the field of battle.   A Dwarf engages in combat with a Half-Giant, with both proving an equal match for one another.   A man with an animal's head begins fighting his way across the battlefield towards the source of the flame-thrower's sudden explosion.   As Anpu watches the fight from above, she recognises the savage Barbarian Ino as he reaches Zi and The Wretch. The two fend him off and are able to best him in single combat and knock him unconscious as Zi knocks him off his feet, impaling him with her talons and hurling him into a wall.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
10 Apr 2024
Primary Location