Campaign 2: Session 37 - Familiar Faces

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Total: 190XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 30XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Total: 430XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Total: 160XP

Missions/Quests Completed

18th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Whilst the events of the previous sessions transpire, The Wretch finds himself in an ornate and curious tent at the opposing side of a round table facing the Rakshasa-looking Suran-Roa, secretly the Demon Ronasura.   Suran-Roa explains that he was able to disappear from the custody of Captain Iwo through his Demonic powers and would have decided to settle down in the city of Istanbrakt, here to enjoy a quiet life as a local trader.   He admits a debt is owed to The Wretch and his companions for coming to his aide, and when The Wretch asks after the wellbeing of his family, he offers him the chance to see them.   He places a Citrine Orb in the centre of the table and begins an incantation, one which ends as The Wretch finds himself back in his homeland of Inkbar, watching a marching procession of the Amanik Order commandeered by his father and brother.   The Wretch feels so many mixed emotions at the sight of them, and for six hours watches as the procession crosses the landscape until they reach the outskirts of a vast city built into the corpse of a dead Titan, with a strange light glowing from a shattered wound in the base of the Titan's skull.   As the vision draws to a close, The Wretch returns to the tent with Suran-Roa sat across from him. They discuss the vision and in turn such discussion turns to discussions of the future.   The Wretch talks about all he has done, and Suran-Roa tells him that he is at a crossroads in his life, where one road will lead him towards a more peaceful existence, whilst the other will lead him deeper into violence and darkness. The path of the sword and the path of the shield. However, he warns The Wretch that the further he goes down either path, the harder it will be to change course.   The Wretch considers and realises that he wants to pursue a path of peace, but is uncertain if he is even capable of achieving this. When Suran-Roa says that it might be a path for the both of them, he leaves with a renewed sense of purpose.   He asks Suran-Roa if he could provide him any spell scrolls to help him on his way, and as he leaves the tent a scrap of papyrus is thrown at his head.   He emerges from the tent just as three mammoths march onto a victor's podium. He recognises Amaruq in their centre with Tedduch Stoutman on his shoulder. On his left atop her Mammoth is the Half-Giant Mentor Margareeta, and on the right is the Giant Anik with the Garuda Zi perched on his arm like a hawk to a hawker.   The Wretch watches as the three depart the pitch, followed to the subterranean level by chants of "Am-a-ruq", "Mar-ga-ree-ta" and "Zi the Flea" that can be heard all throughout the stands.   As they decompress following the intensity of the Mammoth Racing, Teddy buys the leather coif he used in the stadium from the quartermaster, after returning those few projectiles and the armour he was granted for the match.   Zi visits the quartermaster next and threatens them with violence so that they might be able to keep their bag of gravel for free.   The group also note as they see the unconscious body of Thalmun Burrowale being carried through the subterranean level on a stretcher, alive yet badly hurt. The group leave him in the company of the healers and depart in search of alcohol.   On the way out of the Stadium, the Mentor Margareeta congratulates Zi on their prowess in battle and asks if Zi intends to fight in the Grand Tournament. Zi asks if they want them too and they say that they would relish the opportunity to face them in battle and to crush their skull beneath their boot. Zi is immediately smitten by the Half-Giant and offers to get them a drink. The Mentor Margareeta says that they must face her in combat and then they will talk.   Zi follows them down the street like a lost puppy, but the Mentor Margareeta takes no interest in them. As Zi tries and fails to win the Half-Giant's affection, the rest of the group speak with Amaruq and together agree to make their way to an underbar Amaruq is aware of that is friendly to Giants.   Before they might depart on this caper, they reunite with Dobrogost Rostow, and his adopted children Awenir and Rosa. Tedduch inquires to the details of what happened with Rosa's eye and the family reveal that the Honorow Orphanage was robbed by a street gang that dominate the Verge known as the Blight.   With little consideration, the group agree to aide in the protection of the Orphanage, but first they agree to go with Amaruq not only to drink but also to recruit mercenaries to act in aide of Honorow Orphanage.   The group travel across the city and find the underbar at the intersection of two districts, one of large structures inhabited by Giants, the other of a district shared between Gnomes and Dwarves.   To access this bar they descend the steps and there below find themselves in a bar full of Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Giants and many more beings all drinking together in harmony. They approach a bar beneath the display of an elegant glaive, and beneath it they are served by a Dwarf woman named Gloria, and a Goblin called Buggy, the proprieter of the Underbar.   The group order drinks, and even get the chance to sample Monster Energy, a drink that Buggy once marketed. The group scatter to their own respective leisures.   Zi drinks to mourn her love lost, and they share a drink with the Giant Anik, who in his own turn mourns a woman he once loved who he lost when her head was bitten off by a Troll. In turn as together they drink, Audrey Wepple also talks of her husband who left her, a man named Avery Wepple, the father of her son Orville.   Meanwhile, Tedduch Stoutman and Rosa Rostow arrange a combat in the underbar's fighting square, and watch as one by one matches of Dwarves, Humans, Gnomes, and Giants meet and brawl in aggressive matches of strength and ferocity. Eventually, the Giant Anik finds himself fighting in the square against another Giant.   Anik proves to be a feral and unpredictable fighter, one who is deeply chaotic, but his opponent maintains a strong defence and is focused and methodical. Hit by hit he is able to dismantle and slowly undermine his opponent until finally he is able to successfully beat him into unconsciousness.   Tedduch is curious to know more of this Giant, and he and Rosa both go to speak to him, finding him in the corner of the bar at a table with a particularly dapper and well-dressed bespectacled Goblin.   The Goblin turns out to be very pompous, and something of a faux intellectual, constantly trying to hype up his own intellect and belittle that of his Giant companion whom he names "Ataksak".   The Goblin also speaks in a derogatory way towards The Wretch and earns the disdain of Tedduch Stoutman. In spite of this however, Rosa credits the pair's capacity as mercenaries and they agree to hire them on contract to protect Honorow Orphanage and to help deal with the Blight.   The group continue to drink and enjoy eachother's company for some hours more before finally they drunkenly stagger back to Honorow Orphanage.   19th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The night ends as Rosa and The Wretch drink together and The Wretch explains some of his intentions for the future, and the debt he owes to Awenir, Rosa expresses a respect for him and the two shake hands. Before they go their separate ways, Rosa smears her face and even in her drunken state, The Wretch notes as Rosa rubs away some of the bruising around her eye.