Campaign 2: Session 4 - The Bar Boss

Rewards Granted

Orville Wepple  
  • General Session: 100XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Damage: 2XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 222XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 50XP
  • Total: 150XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Study: 20XP
  • Total: 140XP

Missions/Quests Completed

1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Anpu Winkybits attempts to commune with her patron via a magic ritual. Marani's voice echoes through her mind and tells her that the power she seeks is near. Keen to discover the secret, and learn more about the Mamnomaga, Anpu Winkybits makes her way to the Mamnomaga's library.   Meanwhile, Orville Wepple went to the bar of the common room where he met a Dwarven bartender called Harald. He managed to convince the Dwarf that he had already paid in full for his bottle of algae wine when he had not. He then went on to use magic to disguise himself as a powerful individual and then convince the Dwarf that Orville Wepple had been brought in to take his place behind the bar, to give Harald a chance to rest. Harald is convinced and leaves Orville Wepple in charge of the bar.   Anpu Winkybits makes her way from the library, hoping to get a drink in the Common Room and is surprised and confused when she discovers Orville Wepple working behind the bar. They share a confusing conversation wherein Orville struggles to name a number of the drinks available.   As he pours her a round, they are both suddenly shook by the crash of the Mamnomaga. They both reel from the impact but both manage to keep on their feet. Multiple bottles shatter on the floor in the commotion, and passengers are thrown from their seats, with tables being overturned by the force.   Meanwhile, in the fighting pits, a number of individuals are thrown into the pit by the force of the crash. Zi catches Audrey Wepple as she stumbles down into the pit and moves her to safety. In the aftermath, they work to support The Wretch and Pawel and climb up the ladder.   They are assisted by a young man who guides them towards an infirmary. Pawel is supported with a concussion, and The Wretch with a broken ankle, but it is Tedduch Stoutman who is most affected by the conflict, having suffered both a concussion and the influence of drugs.   Whilst the young man supports his patients, Anpu Winkybits looks out the window to see what has happened, whilst Orville Wepple cleans up the damage to his bar. From the window, Anpu sees multiple mammoths that have broken free of the Mamnomaga fleeing towards the forest, with Giants pursuing them in a frantic panic. Anpu suggests to Orville that they should go to the front of the Mamnomaga to investigate. They make their way up onto the carriage-top walkways. From here they are intercepted by a guard who insists that they return to their dormitories until the issue can be resolved.   Eventually all of the passengers go off to bed, each of them suffer a strange and difficult night's sleep as they feel the magic of the Mamnomaga being distorted, they feel themselves stretching and shrinking, being distorted by the world around them. No one is affected worse than Tedduch Stoutman who suffers grim hallucinations and distortions of colour as a result of the drugs in his system. Out of the window he sees a group of humanoid silhouettes black against a screen of dark and dancing colours.    All wake up in their dormitories (except for Tedduch Stoutman who wakes up in the Infirmary). Orville Wepple goes to open the bar.    Tedduch Stoutman meanwhile wakes up in the infirmary. Awenir explains that he had been under the influence of a drug called Volatin, and he was suffering from withdrawals. He explains that the other patients are safe and well and have returned to their dormitories to recuperate. The two talk and Tedduch convinces Awenir to join him for breakfast and a drink.   As the two make their way across the Mamnomaga, the two speak and Awenir explains that he has been working on the Mamnomaga for a few years, and has enjoyed the opportunity to see more of the world. Tedduch suggests that he could accompany them on their travels in the days to come.   As Awenir and Tedduch Stoutman talk, Anpu Winkybits wakes up and speaks to Sarlaren about what has happened on the Mamnomaga. Sarlaren suggests that they should leave the Mamnomaga and depart on foot. Anpu says that there are people aboard that may need their help, but Sarlaren points out that there is little they can do. He reminds her that they are both wanted fugitives and a lot of attention will be drawn towards the Mamnomaga after all that has happened. Anpu suggests that the power she has been searching for is aboard the Mamnomaga, and so Sarlaren agrees to stay and help her. They agree that if they intend to investigate matters further then they will need help.   The group converge on the Second Class Common Room. Audrey Wepple is surprised to find her son there working behind the bar and is confused as to why with all of his ambitions and motivations he would have decided that he instead now wants to run a bar. Orville Wepple simply explains that he is now the "Bar Boss"   Sarlaren goes to the bar and exploits Orville's lack of understanding of the menu in order to get a number of shots at a massively reduced cost. They then gather around a table to speak. Tedduch Stoutman, Audrey Wepple and Awenir join them, and when Tedduch admits that he is hungry, Audrey Wepple rushes off to make him a sandwich.   Anpu Winkybits makes a case that they should sneak to the front of the Mamnomaga to investigate what is happening, and the group all agree to take part. Orville walks over to join the discussion, but before he can he collapses onto the ground, and when the group rush to investigate, they find his eyes have grown blank.


Gained Lost
Orville Wepple Bottle of Algae Wine
Tedduch Stoutman
Anpu Winkybits The Path of the Mamnomaga
The Crystal Road: From First Era to Fifth