Ruinal Character in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


Ruinal is an aasimar fighter and a member of Grave's End and the Empire of Naset. Awaking without any memory or hisory on the streets of the Citadel of Naset, he was found by the captain of the Sai Guard Rashem and brought in as a trainee of the guard. After proving himself to be rather adept at combat he was promoted to the rank of dunekeeper, and after joining the remaining members of Grave's End on their quest claim the remaining fingers of the hand of Arkhan, was promoted to Liutenant of the Sai Guard upon return.



Ruinal has orange eyes, short black hair, and freckled tan skin. Across his face are multiple piercings of gold, specifically to his ears, cheeks, septum, and on each side of his nose's bridge. He wears the pristine gold armor of the Empire's Sai Guard adorned with a purple cloak. His summoned sand soldiers wear similar armor and silk cloth, with the exception of the armor being formed from solid sandstone and sandy clumps.


Ruinal is strong willed and kind hearted, but while his morals may be good his social and personal intuition lacks in some regards. He is loyal and passionate about his people and country (leading to him being referred to as a dog most of the time by Zira in tandem with his slow-wit) and seeks to defend those people with his life as well as his friends within Grave's End.



After waking up on the streets of the Citadel of Naset with no recollection of his life up to the age of 22, Ruinal wandered aimlessly and lost amongst the cities great streets of paved gold. With no family or friends known to him he wandered through the roads and bazaars of the capital until he came across the captain of the city guard, Rashem. Rashem took Ruinal in upon feeling a strong remorse for the confused and lost soul, giving him room and board for a short while in hopes his memory would return. After no progress on Ruinal regaining his memories, Rashem offered him a place within the Sai Guard as a trainee for some purpose while he searches for his history. Obliging, and proving to be quite adept with a sword, Ruinal underwent training within the Empire's regiments and the rituals and martial training required to summon a sand soldier. Shortly after his arrival within the Sai Guard's ranks he was promoted to the rank of Dunekeeper: a standard title for martial warriors capable of summoning sand soldiers, and was stationed as a guardsman within the Citadel of Naset.   Serving under captain Rashem as one of his personal guardsman, he went through the standard day to day procedure until gradually his fate would begin to change as the search for the fingers of Arkhan went underway. Him and his superior had multiple run-ins and dealings with the adventuring party hired to undertake this task and endorsed by the Roses of the Sai's leader Kaldr. Eventually, their paths would be crossed as Rashem would be temporarily imprisoned below the Citadel by the Emperor of Naset following the reveal that a member of the party was in possession of the Eye of Arkhan and attempted to withold it from the Emperor.

Arc 2: Search for the Fingers

Ruinal was introduced to the party shortly after Varis was petrified by the Emperor, being in the room as it happened. Afterwards he was stationed as the guard to watch the party and keep them within the Golden Palace on order of the Emperor. Being tricked by the party, with Zira convincing the Sai Guardsman that gathering the rest of the fingers was the only way to save Rashem, Ruinal begrudgingly abandoned his post and boarded Rashem's flagship towards Killetha in an effort to rescue Rashem and finish the operation.   Ruinal originally was frusterated at the party for feeling decieved, butting heads with Kaldr several times along the sailing route. Along the way to the Verdant City to claim the finger guarded by the Marrowgheist the party was split and Zira and Sha'rees were captured. Journeying ahead Leyis and Ruinal ran into the Guile of the Black Crusade Lucius who performed a ritual on Leyis as Ruinal watched in exchange for helping out their captured friends.   Ruinal was the first to be attacked by the Marrowgheist while he was percieving through the Echo Avatar.   While in Raveth Ruinal tried alcohol for the first time, and had many close encounters with Ferrai almost discovering his true identity.   Ruinal was promoted to the rank of Sai Guard Liutenant upon returning to the Emperor with the remaining finger of Arkhan.

Arc 3

As the party ventured out for dinner following the return of the remaining fingers of Arkhan, Ruinal managed to destroy the Phoenix Assembly familiar watching the party from the windowsill. Afterwards as the party split up for the night, Ruinal journeyed to the Great Nasai Library where he discovered an Empire gazzeter within a tome that recounted the dissapearance of a regiment of Sai Guard within the Ra'Sai Mountains shortly before Ruinal came to. One of the soldiers had been seemingly erased from the page as if he never existed.   Ruinal quickly journeyed to the Golden Palace where he recieved a Greater Restoration spell cast on him, with no memories returning to him on cast. Disheartened, he met with Rashem who led him towards the Sun Soul and performed a ritual with his friend. Ruinal gained access to a greater understanding of his powers and summoned a sandstone charger upon completing it.   The following day Ruinal went to recieve his final orders from Rashem before departing to the Veridian Coast, running into Rashem coldly conversing with two Phoenix Assembly inquisitors searching for Zira. After recieving a sending stone to communicate with Rashem he returned to the base of Death's Hand where he encountered the inquisitors breaking into the party's home, led by Zira's mother high inquisitor Cithria.

Character Information


Upon arriving into the campaign, after the encasement of Varis at the hands of the Emperor of Naset, Ruinal was a mild mannered Sai Guard whose only current goals were to be a loyal soldier to the Empire and his close confidant Rashem. Shortly thereafter he was swept up within the search for the fingers of Arkhan and sought to claim them for the Empire, being told by the adventuring group that it was to save Rashem from imprisonment.   Gradually along the adventure however, Ruinal desired to delve further in depth about his mysterious origins. He journeyed to the Great Nasai Library for information on any Sai Guard regiments that dissapeared at the point in time where he came to. Finding a gazetter article of a platoon of dunekeepers and sandcrafters who went missing within the Sai Rahleek with one fated soul being what can only be described as erased from the portrait. With no prior history or memory of his past he sought the usage of a Greater Restoration spell to regain memories with the spell suspiciously failing on cast. However, this allowed for the allip within the Tomb of the Emperors to grapple his dreams while he slept, allowing for a glimpse at his possible past or some reconstruction of it. Now he seeks the truth in anyway he can regarding his origins and what happened to the Sai Guard regiment he came across within the library.


Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom saving throws.   Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Medicine.

Notable Items

  • Magical scimitars (+1)
  • Light crossbow
  • Sai guard plate armor
  • Cloak of Many Fashions
  • Sending Stone


Aasimar Abilities

  • Celestial Resistance
  • Darkvision
  • Healing Hands
  • Light Bearer
  • Celestial Revelation (Radiant Soul)


  • Resiliant (Wisdom)
  • Resiliant (Dexterity)

Fighter Abilities

  • Fighting Style (Two-Weapon Fighting)
  • Second Wind
  • Action Surge
  • Martial Archetype: Echo Knight
    • Manifest Echo
    • Unleash Incarnation
    • Echo Avatar
    • Shadow Martyr
  • Extra Attack
  • Indomitable

Additional Abilities

  • Sai Guard liutenant training (can summon two echoes instead of one when using Manifest Echo)

Basic Information

Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Liutenant of the Sai Guard
  • Dunekeeper (formerly)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Celestial
  • Common


10 Fighter (Echo Knight)

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