Episode 10 - The Old Kings

General Summary

8th of Bleakmarch, 1439

Jhorhald Eskir watches as the body of another half-sibling of his is dragged out of the Circle after challenging him for the chieftain's chair. Six of Jhorhald's kin have come seeking to usurp leadership of Untamed Clan Eskir ever since his brother Ulfvyr Tahn Eskir went missing and was presumed dead after his travelling entourage was found slaughtered in the woods near McCloughhaven's Reach. Now, Jhorhald is sick and tired, his family tree severely depleted, and a stranger awaits him at his lodge when he retires for the night; Arran Tan Echen, approaching as a guest under the banners of Loyal Clan Echen and House Antyre. He has watched Jhorhald dispatch several challengers, and thinks he would make a fine leader to do business with. Arran proposes that they construct a series of watchtowers in Eskir's traditional lands to protect them from the raiding of other clans. In exchange, Eskir would agree to pay some taxes and levies to Clan Echen, but would also benefit from rich trade agreements. Jhorhald manages to negotiate a better position, ensuring that Clan Eskir would be able to partially man the watchtowers alongside the soldiers of House Antyre, and the bargain is struck. At this time, Jhorhald also received a ransom letter from The Tambarists that took Ulfvyr hostage... but responds to them offering to pay half their requested ransom if they will release Ulfvyr somewhere far, far away from The Antar Highlands. His response is never returned by the Tambarists.  

10th of Midyear, 1442

In the small hours before dawn, Ulfvyr is kept under house arrest alongside Semmian DeRein and Gwydion Ildrafn in a small lodge within the Hillhomes of Eskir. Secluded from the others, Ulfvyr opens a small window, smears honey and flower petals upon the ledge, and quietly prays to Mother Mercy for aid before the trials to come today. In the dream that follows, he sees her at the fireside, having taken the visage of his own mother, and asks for a boon from her. She accepts his request in exchange for a debt to be later paid, and Ulfvyr awakens shortly afterwards when a passing guard shuts the window forcefully.   Meanwhile, Jhorhald cannot sleep, and paces restlessly in the chieftain's lodge. He confronts his spouse (and Ulfvyr's "widow") Estil, to see where her allegiances lie now that her dead husband has returned to the land of the living. Estil replied that she buried Ulfvyr three years ago, filling his cairn with his keepsakes from home, and that she honours the vows she made to Jhorhald. Even still, Jhorhald can see there is doubt in Estil's mind, but he does not press the issue.   The following morning, Ulfvyr requests that the village's Druid of the Mother, Ingval, be brought before him, and as they share breakfast together he asks that their shared god restore the old druid's sight and mind. The Mother accepts the bargain, but Ulfvyr notes that Carrion manifests briefly at the windowsill... the Druid's sight and mind are briefly restored, but this day will be his last. Ulfvyr asks the Druid to be his Witness, should he be forced to face Jhorhald in the Circle. Ingval agrees to Ulfvyr's request; he has watched Ulfvyr grow up across the decades, and he will honour him with his witness and bury him in his cairn should the trial not go in his favour.   As Ingval departs, Jhorhald appears at the lodge, summoning Ulfvyr to walk with him. Jhorhald wears the many furs of the terrible Highland beasts he has slain, and the prospect of facing such a skilled hunter in the Circle puts a note of fear and uncertainty into Ulfvyr's heart. They walk into the high hills surrounding the clan homes, trailed after by a coterie of guards, Gwydion and Semmian. Upon reaching the highest hill overlooking the community, Jhorhald points Ulfvyr's attentions towards the silhouettes of the three watchtowers on distant highland bluffs. He states that his leadership have lead to great changes for their people, and he will do whatever it takes to preserve their future, even if it means killing another sibling in the Circle. Ulfvyr, however, chides Jhorhald for allowing the Untamed Clan Eskir to be so effectively tamed by House Antyre's lackeys, accepting coin and safety in exchange for their souls. A few paces behind the brothers, Semmian quietly speaks with Gwydion, insisting that they make a plan to ensure her safety in the event that Ulfvyr loses in the Circle.   The group returns back to the village, where many of the clanfolk have turned out to see Ulfvyr the "Ravenrider." Jhorhald also notes the presence of Arran Tan Echen, who has arrived in the village to discuss trade matters with their chieftain and suddenly finds himself watching a challenge to Jhorhald's authority playing out. Before all the assembled people of his clan, Jhorhald once again attacks Ulfvyr's character, painting him as selfish and reckless for wanting to take back leadership and drive the clan back to their old ways. However, he can't make the accusations stick on Ulfvyr, who turns his arguments around and insinuates that Jhorhald has lead them astray, kneeling before the lackeys of House Antyre, who themselves sold out their kinsmen during the Invasion of the Norvalled Raiders centuries ago. The argument strikes a chord in the chieftain, and Ulfvyr goes for the killing blow; he will leave Clan Eskir in Jhorhald's hands if he sides with him, helps Clan Eskir remember their Untamed ways, and claim the lands as their own rather than at the grace of their feudal overlords who rule over the Barony of Ayl. The incitement finally stirs something in Jhorhald that had lain dormant for a long time, and with the crowd whipped into a frenzy and the Baron of Ayl standing with his retinue watching with growing horror, Jhorhald commands his people to seize Arran and claim the watchtowers.   A melee immediately breaks out in the centre of the village; Jhorhald and Ulfvyr throw themselves against the shields of the Antyrian soldiers, while Gwydion scrambles out of danger's path. Arran Echen's guards are well-trained and armed by House Antyre, but they are horrendously outnumbered and are soon forced back against the front walls of Jhorhald's lodge. Ulfvyr takes a crossbow bolt to the chest and is forced to pull back, but circles around to the back of the lodge to cut off any attempt at escape should Arran's forces flee through there. Meanwhile, Jhorhald galvanizes the Eskir clanfolk into a charge against Antyrian spears, and though they continue to whittle down Arran's guards, the cost paid in Eskir lives is significant.   Out at the stables, Gwydion spies several Antyre soldiers racing to secure horses and ride off to warn the other watchtowers. Charging after them in mock distress, she does everything in her power to delay them, but one soldier is able to depart quickly on horseback. He doesn't get too far, however, before Semmian strikes him down with an arrow from his perch atop a nearby lodge.   Retreating into Jhorhald's lodge for safety, Arran finds his path blocked by Froda Eskir, Ulfvyr's young son who holds a sword in his trembling hands. A single threat from Arran is all it takes to disarm Froda, and Arran's guard kicks Froda out of the way and moves to escort Arran out of the lodge's back door towards safety. However, his escape is nearly cut short when Ulfvyr flies down from the lodge's upper levels, attempting to kill Arran with a single stroke. His blade Mercy is turned aside by the guard's shield at the last minute, allowing Arran a crucial opening to escape as the wounded Ulfvyr struggles to keep up.   Having sundered the enemy shieldwall, Jhorhald races through his lodge and after Arran out the back, catching up with Ulfvyr as Arran's dwindling entourage makes for the stables. Jhorhald's near-animalistic bellows are enough to give even hardened Antyre soldiers pause, and several of them cast down their weapons rather than face the chieftain in combat. Some manage to slow the brothers down, but in a final burst of strength and bravery, Ulfvyr manages to cleave through the remaining guards just as Arran mounted his horse to depart. With a single stroke of his sword, Ulfvyr struck Lord Arran Tahn Echen down, slaying him instantly and causing the surviving Antyre guards to surrender immediately. The battle was won, Clan Eskir had been awakened from their torpor... and the watchtowers were next in their sights.  

12th of Heatswrath, 1442

A little over a month later, Untamed Clan Eskir is openly rebelling against House Antyre and their vassals. What's more, Ulfvyr has begun to rally other Untamed Clans under their banner, disrupting Antyrian operations in the Barony of Ayl and the surrounding hinterlands. The three watchtowers have all fallen to Eskir warriors, and though Loyal Clan Echen met them with a full complement of soldiers on the battlefield, the ferocity of Clan Eskir and the leadership of Ulfvyr and Jhorhald helped them carry the day. While the future of Clan Eskir remains uncertain and the full force of Antyre's reprisal has not yet been felt, the agents of House Ildrafn can count the resurrection of Ulfvyr Eskir as a resounding success in their operations against their Antyrian rivals.   End of Episode

Missions/Quests Completed

Clan Eskir has been incited to open rebellion against House Antyre. The Faction mission was a success, creating a major complication within House Antyre's holdings.

Created Content

Below is a transcription of Ulfvyr's decisive speech to Clan Eskir and his brother Jhorhald:  
Yesterday, I met with Jhorhald to come to peaceful resolution about how to handle this situation where he sleeps in my bed with my wife, and when The Circle was brought up, suddenly Antyre guards moved in to arrest me. This is not The Old Way. The Circle is meant to be honorable, and a challenge to the circle is anything but an immediate threat. If anything, it assures Jhorhald's safety. And when did this happen? When did Antyre's forces begin protecting Eskir's Jarl?   I have to wonder some - Why has Carrion sent me back? I don't know if it is for me to return to lead Clan Eskir, but Carrion has sent me back with purpose. I am here to remind Eskir, and perhaps Jhorhald, who Eskir is. We are THE UNTAMED. We are the Kings of Old, now bowing at the feet of dogs. Jhorhald offered me a "plot of land and some sheep" to own so I would go away. How ridiculous is that? Anything they give, they can take away. Everything Antyre has given or offered you always has strings.   Does anyone else remember who Antyre was? I remember. They were nothing and no one. They were not one of The Great Clans, and that has always rankled at them. But we were. And Jhorhald is willing to throw that all away. Not only throw it away, he's willing to pay them to take it. It may not seem like it - but how many able-bodied husbands, wives, sons, fathers, mothers, and daughters are not here right now because he has sold them to Antyre? Sorry - sent them to Antyre? All of these supposed gifts Eskir receives are not as they seem - they have been bought and paid for with the lives of our loved ones.   Jhorhald has killed all of my siblings, honorably, and in The Circle. And this, I understand. It is the way of things among our people, and they live on as ravens in the Halls of Carrion, content and preparing for the next great feast - which is coming, to lands far south of here. But I think of my siblings. All of them, even Jhorhald, who I've known since his prick was so small it enticed fish to bite it in the river. Remember, Jhorhald? Remember?   Trygve, Guthrum, Thira, Bern, Siggur, Iord... But even Siv, who was Beloved of the Mother of Mercy - whose soul was so gentle she spoke not a word, for fear of upsetting the bees? Did any of you question, when Siv saw fit to take up arms against Jhorhald? To oppose his rise? And now, here sits a broken Clan Eskir, licking the boots of the original boot lickers, because Jhorhald prefers to set his arse upon the same chair, sleep in the same bed, piss and shit in the same hole for tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that until the Dragon Swallows the Sun, and he demands that all of you should do the same.   Jhorhald - if that is your wish, I will gladly send you to Ayl as a diplomat of Ulfvyr, Jarl of Eskir, but you do not get to decide this for The Untamed Kingsblood.   I say one last time, that we do not need to step into The Circle to settle this, I will take Froda and leave my seat to you - only if you remember *who we are* and who *they* are. They were the first to bare themselves to Norvalled, and once conquered, they were "chosen" by the invaders to force the outsiders' ways upon us. House Antyre - the lowest dogs, reached their position by staying on their knees for their new masters. You look at this duel and you see, maybe, Ulfvyr fighting Jhorhald, but this is not the fight. This is Eskir fighting Antyre - a rekindling of The Old Wars. If Eskir wins, we remember who we are. If not - Jhorhald, you have already surrendered for Eskir. It is not too late, Jhorhald, for you to remember who Eskir is.   Clan Eskir has no masters, save The Old Gods.


Arran Tan Echen has died. Whom amongst his family will avenge him? Emelyn Tahn Echen ? Or perhaps their brother Malnek Echen?
The Burning Isle
Ulfvyr Tahn Eskir
Gwydion Ildrafn
Jhorhald Eskir
Player Journals
Last Jarl of Eskir - The Speech at The Circle by Ulfvyr Tahn Eskir
Report Date
31 Jan 2023
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