Kingdom of Silanipus Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Kingdom of Silanipus

A sprawling kingdom, rich in resources with a developed culture. Formally known as The Königreich of Silanipus. The kingdom has trade routes stretching across The Leitan Peninsula. Silanipu borders the Kingdom of Vrozar to the west, the Grand Duchy of Veebanitash to the east, and the Expoga Wastes comprise most of the southern border. There are two small border segments connecting the Grand Duchy of Druprasil and the Zocan Empire.  

Political Regions and Titles


Formally, The Kingdom of Silanipus is known internally as a Königreich.


Silanapus is divided into three Herzogtum or Duchies.
  • Hamphalia
  • Hesse
  • Vorpomnia


Furthermore, each of the Herzogtum is comprised of two or more Freiherrschaft, or Baronies.   In the Kingdom of Silanipus, all Baronies are ruled by a hereditary baron, but managed by a chancellor. A chancellor serves for life and may not be removed from office by the reigning baron. A reigning baron appoints a Chancellor Apparent that serves at the pleasure of the baron, but should the chancellor be incapable of continuing his or her duties (death, resignation, mental imparement, etc…) the current Chancellor Apparent becomes the Chancellor.
  • Hamphalia
    • Augsmand
    • Windsheim
    • Ittendorf
  • Hesse
    • Karm
    • Ansbach
  • Vorpomnia
    • Durchgang
    • Deggenhold
    • Lindau

Alternative Name(s)
The Silanapus Königreich
Location under


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