Kingdom of Vrozar

The Kingdom of Vrozar is a strong sea faring culture and is the most north western region in the Leitan Peninsula.  

Major Towns & Cities

  • Far Port
  • Lichdale Landing
  • Piers Joltholm
  • Penal Point
  • Port Providence
  • Prominent Hearth


Most of The Kingdom of Vrozar is mountains and difficult terrain.  A narrow band of good farming land surrounds the central core of hills, mountains, volcanos, and tundra.  Within the mountains, The Hollowpeak Mountains, very little happens above the surface more than 100 miles from the coast.  However a vast network of caverns, tunnels, and grottos span the region and comprise a world unto themselves.

Localized Phenomena

The Sea of North Rhine is plagued with ice bergs, storms, and other tempests.  To the inexperienced and ill equipped attempting to travel the surface of this sea is tantamount to suicide.


Most of the kingdom is of a sub-arctic to temperate climate.  The Northern Reaches of the kingdom of the kingdom are arctic.  A two big exception to the climate is are the costal regions and the Vrozar Plateau.   The coastal region is a narrow proximately 100 mile wild band between the coast and The Hollowpeak Mountains.  Here the winter temperatures rarely fall below freezing, and the summer highs rarely rise above the 70s.  Except for the Northern Reaches.   On the reverse, the Northern Reaches is consistently presenting harsh arctic conditions.  The weather patterns are highly unpredictable.  Month long blizzards are recorded in the royal archives.

Natural Resources

Vrozar is rich in natural resources, both organic and inorganic.  The coastal region provides a strong surplus of grains, fruits, and vegetables.  The mountains yield minerals and gems beyond measure.


by Jonathan B. Levine

Location under


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