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Beinn Neimh (peiɲ n̠ʲɪvʲ)

Beinn Neimh is the highest mountain on Ynys. It is located on the border of Cait and Rheged, and rises to a height of 4,045 feet. The mountain was once volcanic, but has been dormant for the last several thousand years.

The mountain is best known for the fog and mist that perpetually surround it. These mists are the home to the legendary Fir Dorcha, the Dark Men of the Mountain. These spirits are dreaded by those who live near the mountain, and it is well known to stay indoors whenever the fog descends to blanket the region near the peak. The closest town to the mountain is named Sruighlea, and the inhabitants there are wary of the mountain and the god that embodies it.

Notable Spirits

An Dia Liath, the Grey God, is the spirit that rules Beinn Neimh. It is most often represented as malevolent eyes within a fogbank, and its motives are difficult to discern. Local legends claim that the Grey God was imprisoned within the fogs by Cailtram of Cait in the earliest days of human habitation of the island. There are several figures in the myth cycles of Cailtram that could be the creature now known as An Dia Liath, but none of them can be conclusively linked to the spirit of Beinn Neimh.


Beinn Neimh is the highest mountain on Ynys, and towers over its neighbors by more than two thousand feet. It looms over the region like a disapproving giant, with the summit perpetually wreathed in clouds. Climbing the mountain is extremely hazardous, and few even attempt it. Those who have claim that the mountain requires intense focus and concentration to survive. Any mistake can rapidly become catastrophic - fogs and storms will roll in at the worst possible moments, and landslides or rockfalls always occur when climbers are least able to handle them.

Mountain / Hill
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Myths
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 56.9 degrees North
Longitude: 70.2 degrees East
Elevation: 4,045 ft

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