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Caer Rheged (kaɾ ˈɾɛɡɛd)

The capital of Rheged.   On the River Severin, and a major trade hub. It's also on the Bernicia border. Albannach community there strongly supports the oppressed Albannach communities in Deira, and smugglers take weapons and supplies upriver to aid in the resistance. The government turns a blind eye to this activity.   City is impoverished, run-down, despite the trade that goes through, it is mostly just a place for the merchants to resupply, and they do little buying/selling of goods. Tariffs are high on goods that pass through, high enough that many merchants don't stop at all.  

Points of Interest

The most expensive inn in the city (and perhaps the nation) is named the Deanntag Òrail, which translates to "The Gilded Nettle". The sign for the inn has actual gold foil, and depicts a gilded nettle.

A more reasonably priced inn in Caer Rheged is named Na Trì Similearan, which translates to "The Three Chimneys". The building does have three chimneys, and the inn's signs depicts an outline of the building with the chimneys clearly visible. The owner of Na Trì Similearan is a formidible woman named Moira. She is nearly six feet tall, and runs the inn like she is conducting an orchestra. She has also taken in a number of young women, mostly between the ages of ten and fourteen, who had lost their families in the plagues of the last few years.

There is also an inn called "The Stag" which caters to merchants not rich enough to stay at the Gilded Nettle, but with aspirations to become that wealthy some day.

A number of taverns are found in the city. One of them, called the An Sgiath Mheirgeach, which translates to "The Rusty Shield". The name is from the tavern's sign, which is an old shield the tavernkeeper has hung over the door. It is frequented by members of the Royal Guard, and is considered a quiet place to do some serious drinking. There is also a little known tavern known as "Fìdhle" that has a bad reputation, for filth, rats, and more vile things.


Five years ago, recruiters came to Caer Rheged looking to hire men to help the Albannach population of Deira overthrow King Eadric. It is unclear who provided the money for this recruiting effort. Many men took the job, which came with an immediate payment to their families, but few have returned from the fighting.

Three years ago, a Nachtkrapp emerged from the forests of Rheged and spread plague throughout the city, killing many.

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Geographic Details
Location: Ynys, Northeastern Region
Latitude: 55.76 degrees North
Longitude: 68.34 degrees East


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