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Located along the banks of the River Tamesis, the city of Dunwych stands as a reminder of the grim reality plaguing the kingdom of Deira.   Dunwych epitomizes the deep-seated cultural divide that festers within the kingdom of Deira. The Eots, acting as an oppressive occupying force, wield their power with cruelty, subjecting the Albannach population to discrimination and marginalization. Forbidden from embracing their customs and traditions, the Albannach are stripped of their identity, reduced to shadows lingering on the fringes of society. The city's once vibrant culture has withered under the suffocating grip of the Eot rulers.   Dunwych lies in ruins in the wake of a ruthless assault by the Eyjamaður raiders led by Jarl Gunnar Bloodaxe. Homes and structures lie broken and charred, symbols of a shattered community. The Eyjamaður sacked and burned the city, taking everything of value they could carry off.   In the aftermath of the raid, the Eots have vented their wrath upon the Albannach population, who they suspected of aiding the raiders. The streets of Dunwych bear witness to unspeakable atrocities, as the Eots punish the populace through mass executions and acts of terror. The Albannach peasants, already burdened by oppression, find themselves trapped in a nightmarish existence, enduring the wrath of their oppressors who show no mercy.   Dunwych now exists as a mere shadow of its former self. The oppressive regime and the ravages of invasion have eroded the city's identity, leaving its people lost and disillusioned. The future hangs in the balance, obscured by a veil of uncertainty, as the city grapples with the weight of its past and the daunting challenges that lie ahead.
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Geographic Details
Location: Ynys, Northeastern Region
Latitude: 57.73 degrees North
Longitude: 67.64 degrees East


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