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Gauzo is a small island in the Rasrathnii island group. It was once populated by the Cyclops who are common among those islands, but they were driven out centuries ago when the island was invaded by the mysterious Hleemeentreezee. Since then, knowledge of the island has been scarce, even more so than when unfriendly Cyclops were living there. The Hleemeentreezee do not welcome visitors, and those who have dared encroach upon their territory are typically never seen again.

The island is best known for the mysterious ruins that can be found there. While nobody from outside has seen them in centuries, tales of their unsual properties have perisisted and grown. The ruins are reportedly massive, much larger than even the gigantic Cyclops might have built, and constructed of stones that are cut at odd angles, and do not show any signs of weathering. Many of the buildings have not collapsed so much as they have sunk into the ground over the ages, slowly being buried by the years.

Since the Hleemeentreezee have taken control of Gauzo, some sailors have reported seeing a black tower in the distance when they sail near the archipelago. They believe that one of the old buildings is being drawn back up out of the ground to loom over the world. Agents from the various groups who follow such affairs have been unable to confirm any of the speculations, although there is definitely some kind of building on Gauzo that can be seen from far away.

Notable Spirits

In ancient times, the island was said to be a home to the goddess known as Krymménos. She was a goddess of hidden things, and ruled over all the buried secrets. It is now known if Krymménos continues to exist, or what form she might have taken since the Hleemeentreezee have come to Gauzo.


Gauzo is an oval-shaped island, and known to be very hilly. Little is known of the interior of the island in the current day, but the old histories mention that there are many caves nestled among the hills, and that it is an easy place to get lost in. Paths have a way of winding between the hills in a way that used to confuse visitors, and more than one ancient reported wandering for days after escaping the clutches of a hungry Cyclops.


The island is covered in dense pine forest from which the massive ruins emerge. There are a number of animals and birds that are known to have lived there in the past, and may still live there today. One of the most notable was the Gauzo tree lizard (also known as the Kapuskarja), which bears the same relationship to the Kikipua that a monkey might to humans. They can walk on two legs for short distances and have clever, dextrous hands. As their name implies, the Gauzo tree lizard is arboreal, and will only rarely be seen on the ground.

Location under
Inhabiting Species
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 29.91 degrees North
Longitude: 32.58 degrees East
Average Elevation: 102 ft
Highest Point: 620 ft
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 26 sq mi


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