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Kalliste is the third largest of the Rasrathnii Islands, and the most hotly contested. The island has been inhabited for most of its history by the Cyclopes, but Leonaragians from Ichnusa have begun to establish hunting territories in the southern areas. They have enraged the Cyclopes by stealing from their flocks, and the one-eyed giants have attempted to exterminate the invaders with very limited success. In a fair fight, a Cyclops is easily able to squash the relatively tiny Leonaragian, but fair encounters are vanishingly rare. The Leonaragians are faster, smarter, and stealthier than the Cyclopes, and are extremely willing to slaughter the giants while they sleep, if they can manage it. The solitary and non-cooperative nature of the Leonaragians has limited how much damage they can do to the Cyclopes population, and there does not seem to be a clear end to the conflict in sight.


Kalliste is very mountainous, and two-thirds of the island is comprised of mountains. The coastline is mostly sandy beaches, and forests cover about twenty percent of the interior. The highest point is Óros Zóni, near the center of the island.


The ecosystem of Kalliste varies greatly depending on the altitude. The coastal lowlands and lower slopes are mostly covered by forest except for where the Cyclopes have cleared land to create grazing land for their herds of sheep and goats. The coastal forests are primarily evergreen trees and are drier than the deciduous forests of the hills and highlands.

Above three thousand feet, the forests fade away and plant life becomes increasingly rare. At five thousand feet and above, the low temperatures and harsh winds prevent all but the hardiest of plant life from surviving. These regions are uninhabited and rarely visited, although there are rumors of a high mountain temple to a goddess worshipped by the Cyclopes somewhere near the summit of Óros Zóni.

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Included Locations
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 35.91 degrees North
Longitude: 27.33 degrees East
Average Elevation: 456 ft
Highest Point: 8,353 ft (Óros Zóni)
Lowest Point: -16 ft
Area: 3,368 sq mi

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