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Session 32 - Quests

General Summary

Info From Windrex

  Renestrae | Eladrin Celestial Warlock landed the Golden Dragon | Airship near the well at Xak-Tsaroth in the middle of a thunderstorm, centered on the king of the Continent of Nerath, Windrex | Adult Blue Dragon.   Though the magical storm raged around him, the dragon was in a jovial mood. He was pleased with the death of Sephadex | Adult Black Dragon and once the group got him talking, he spoke freely about topics that "little people" shouldn't have to worry about.   They discussed treasure and payment, recompense for setting up Tostyn-Tostyn | White Dragons for the kill. Windrex believed they had asked for too little and offered a treasure of their choice from his horde at the Cyclone Citadel. They told him they'd think about it and might stop by the next time they were in the Golden Savannah.   Windrex told them a bit about Sephadex's betrayal. There was another dragon, a green named Virizan whom Tiamat assigned an important job, and Sephadex got in the way of that job. Virizan was working with the Stone Skinned King in the Feydark, but Sephadex got one of his minions to usurp Cachlain. The Seed of Winter was somehow involved and Tostyn-Tostyn believed that Sephadex had also murdered their parent, Chillreaver | White Dragon to get the icy artifact.   It was a confusing story but Windrex told them not to worry about it. Some of the party could tell that Gorgoroth Flamesbreath | Dragonborn Psi Warrior knew more than he let on. He certainly asked a lot of probing questions to the terrifying blue dragon.   In the end though, Windrex left in peace. He scouted the Crvena Vale before leaving the area.  

Info From Orion

  The team chose Orion Dragovic | Undercover Resistance Operative as their first "slave" (he was disguised as The Whisperer). He told them about the Resistance as they circled the vale in private.   Orion was annoyed at the death of Sephadex. The operative had spent a good deal of his life setting up his operation here in the vale. While working for Sephadex, not many would dare to question The Whisperer's motives or actions. With Sephadex gone and with the white and blue dragons sniffing around the area, things would be much more difficult for the dragonborn-in-disguise. He wasn't sure what to do next.    

Resistance Objective - Subvert COMPMOD

  Orion's list of Resistance To-Do's was extensive. He was not willing to give contact names and details about operations in progress as he didn't want the information to spill into enemy hands. He did tell them how he wanted to subvert the dragon government, the Commission for the Preservation of the Mottled Demesne.    
The Scales of War never really ended. Fighting is still going on but has drawn to a stalemate in Karkoth, across the Wailing Sea.   The CompForce (dragon military) has not yet reached the far continent of Selduria. They experienced too many losses trying to secure territory earlier in the war. When they succeeded, dragons would claim that territory as their own and set up a new roost. As the army advanced it got ever smaller.   Quests:
  • Stay behind enemy lines. Disrupt supplies, reinforcements, communications and command structures.
  • Cross enemy lines and make contact with the Iron Wolves. Assist their war efforts.
    ISB (Spies)
      The ISB is an intelligence service organization designed to uncover beings or activities that might be helpful to the Resistance or obstruct COMPMOD's plans. Their agents pressure guilds, religious orders, baronies, criminal organizations and other groups in their efforts to gather information and police the realm.   The ISB headquarters is within the Iron Circle's territory in the Altaran Peninsula.   Quests:
  • Infiltrate the ISB and learn what info they have on the Resistance.
  • Disrupt the ISB's information gathering activities.
  • Feed falsified data to the ISB.
  • Turn the ISB against COMPMOD loyalists.
    Coalition of Progress (Heists)
      Hundreds if not thousands of artifacts have been "appropriated" (stolen) from organizations, communities and individuals by Validators to be used by the dragon armies or added to the pile in a dragon's horde. Some artifacts are family heirlooms or artwork that has no military value. Other pieces are weapons, armor or magical artifacts that could greatly help the Resistance.   The military-grade items are sent north to the front line. The rest is stored, sorted and shipped to dragon lairs. The lion's share goes to the Slumbering King out west.   There are two known sorting houses: the Vault in Txanponetan and a secret location in Serpentus Rift.   Quests:
  • Break into the Txanponetan Vault.
  • Find the vault in the Serpentus Rift.
  • Liberate stolen property from dragon hordes.
  • Equip the Resistance.
    Ministry of Finance (Mysteries)
      The alloy used to create Blessings is a tightly guarded secret. Only the COMPMOD knows. There is secret base being built in Kelarni. Someone has to have piad for it, therefore there must be records. Those records could lead to answers.   There are other secrets in the world that the COMPMOD haven't learned yet, like hidden treasures from ancient civilizations and recipes for spells waiting to be discovered.   Quests:
  • Learn the recipe for Queen's Metal.
  • Analyze Ledger books to find clues.
  • Discover what they are doing on the island continent of Kelarni.
  • Find long lost treasure troves.
    Youngling Adventurers (PsyOps)
      Orion hates that kids are being fed lies and are growing up to believe they are fighting for justice by joining the Queen Mother's army in battle. Preceptor Rodimus is playing the long con. And so far, he's winning.   Quests:
  • Stop Youngling Adventurers from spreading into Selduria.
  • Get the kids to spy on the YA (and the rest of COMPMOD).
  • Recruit future Resistance members.
  • Find Orion's agents, Burdene Parr | Elf YA Recruiter and Wigberht | Harengon YARec Leader.
  • Kill Rodimus.

    Picking Up Zot

      After discussing the plan, the team decided to take a quick trip to the Serpentus Rift before heading back north towards the front lines. Orion guided them to one of Sephadex's "prison camps" and introduced them to Zot Euan | Orc Resistance Operative. Zot knew the Rift and Nanoen and could guide them through the city.   Orion bid them goodbye and stayed in the middle of the swamp.

    Rewards Granted

  • One artifact of the team's choice from Windrex's horde

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