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Banneret is an Archetype of the Fighter Class available to players during Character Creation. It is the third most common type of Fighter in The Old World, having come to prominence during the Age of Reckoning, when feudal aristocrats formed the elite core of many Nations' armies. Bannerets are natural leaders skilled at commanding their allies in Combat and inspiring them to fight with incredible tenacity (see

Originally, Bannerets were knights, trained to attend their liege both in warfare and at court. Over time, they became officers, emissaries, and military recruiters, employing their refined manners and oratorical skill to command others. A Banneret cuts a dashing figure in battle, reinforcing discipline among their comrades and passing along the benefits of their martial training. Those inspired by the Banneret's example will stand firm where others might falter, sharing in their leader's formidable courage and resilience.

Bannerets have become less common in the age of Firearms and modern Nation-states, but continue to serve a key role as officers in militaries and mercenary companies. Often, a single Banneret will lead a squad of lesser troops into battle, fighting on the front lines alongside their subordinates. Some elite units, however, are comprised entirely of Bannerets, such as Dunlagh's River Guards regiment and the Dragonborn skirmishers known as Guzat. Noble households in Latia Major and Ashur frequently employ individual Bannerets as castellans and masters-at-arms, a vestige of the tradition's knightly origins.

Bannerets are subject to the following variant rule:
When a Banneret uses their Rallying Cry ability, the number of Hit Points the targets regain is dependent upon their Fighter Level as follows:
  • 3rd-9th Level: HP = Fighter Level
  • 10th-14th Level: HP = 1d10 + Fighter Level
  • 15th-17th Level: HP = 2d10 + Fighter Level
  • 18th-20th Level: HP = 3d10 + Fighter Level


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