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Champion is an Archetype of the Fighter Class available to players during Character Creation. It is the second most common type of Fighter in The Old World and is particularly widespread in Nations which have not fully adopted the use of Firearms. Champions are versatile and straightforward warriors adept at sensing their enemy's weaknesses and exploiting them to strike a killing blow (see

As the name implies, Champions are peerless warriors and, unlike most other Fighters, concentrate fully on dispatching the enemy rather than screening or supporting their allies in Combat. They are skilled with a variety of weapons, and can fight effectively both in melee and at range. Historically, the Pike, Greatsword, and Longbow have been their weapons of choice, but some modern Champions have added Firearms to their repertoire as well. Whatever their chosen armament, a Champion's techniques are simple but effective, relying on their natural toughness to keep their foes engaged until they can deliver a devastating critical strike.

Champions are likely the oldest type of Fighter and contributed greatly to Latium, Syrneth, and Maghar's military success in the Age of Building. Today, they exist among almost every Race, but are most common among Humans, Dwarves, and Half-Orcs, the latter of which often learn the tradition while serving as mercenaries in Human armies. Perhaps the most famous Champions are the Towarzysz Hussars of Sarmion, elite heavy cavalry who accompany the King himself into battle. The military of Vaticia also relies on tight formations of Champions, known as Tercios, though these are frequently deployed alongside more modern Musket infantry and artillery.


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