Dun Alsfell

Summary and history

Most would assume at a quick glance that Dun Alsfell is a large dwarven city built at the foot of the Dwarven Mountain Range . Those assumptions are correct, aside from one; Dun Alsfell is not a city. Dun Alsfell is a military base built near the entrance to the Royal city of Ker Turum, with the sole purpose of protecting the Royal city. It was first built in 551AC after the end of the Second Great War, when the dwarves reclaimed their sacred land from the Realms of Men. Since that time, Dun Alsfell has evolved considerably and now essentially functions like a city would.

The Land

The land surrounding Dun Alsfell isn't particularly rich compared to the bountiful plains of the Realms of Men. While not a great variety of crops can grow in the Dwarven Empire, the simplicity of the soil lends itself well to the populace as dwarves prefer to eat simple and hearthy meals. Large fields of wheat and potatoes can be spotted throughout the region, and the proximity to both the Exal and Dun River makes for a great source of irrigation.

Many windmills can also be seen near Dun Alsfell, as dwarves produce large quantities of bread (bread being one of the most common food sources in Dun Alsfell).

Right behind Dun Alsfell lies the fortified Dwarven Mountain Range, a series of mountains separating the North part of Sorus from the South. Also very close to Dun Alsfell are the Mines of Farum, the worlds richest ore deposit.

The People

The people of Dun Alsfell are made up of soldiers and working class citizens. The vast majority of workers spend their days in the Mines of Farum, a deep mine where most of the worlds metal is harvested. As such, Dun Alsfell is often times found quiet during the day, and extremely rowdy at night as the miners return to the taverns.

The rest of the working class are craftsmen and artisans who aspire to become famous or skilled enough to be noticed by King Ulfgar or his scouts. If the King of the Dwarves took notice of you, you would hopefully receive an invitation to go live and work in the Royal city of Ker Turum, where fame and fortune awaits.

Miners who work tirelessly in the Mines of Farum sometimes also get an invitation, especially if they discover a vein of Adamantine; a very rare and precious mineral that is known for its extreme durability. Many farmers also live throughout the Dwarven Empire, often going into Dun Alsfell to trade wheat ale, potatoes or bread.

The rest of the population consists of the Dwarven Empire's army, a force of roughly 5,000. About 1,000 of these soldiers roam the fortified Dwarven Mountain Range year long to ensure that no enemies can get the drop on them.

Dun Alsfell can be a bit of a rough place as many live a life of servitude to the ideals of the Dwarven Empire. Most are actively trying to climb the ladder, both politically and socially.

The Leadership

While Dun Alsfell is still technically a military base, its growing population of working class citizens creates a demand for leadership that can accommodate a city environment. This role is fulfilled by the High Commander and his General that lead Dun Alsfell through military, financial, political and social issues.

The High Commander is responsible for the high level decisions that could affect Ker Turum or the Empire as a whole, while the General oversees the more mundane day to day troubles of Dun Alsfell. The General also oversees the 50 sergeants that each command a troop of 100 (though up to 10 sergeants at a time are stationed in the dwarven mountain range).

The High Commander is currently Addhor Platebreaker and his General is Daerdohr Rassad.

Law & Defence

Dun Alsfell is occupied with the bulk of the dwarven army, consisting of over 4,000 armed men. This is partly a show of strength and also a strategical decision, as fighting underground with large numbers could have some disadvantages.

At any time, 1,000 troops actively patrol the Dwarven Mountain Range to prevent ambushes and to maintain a positional advantage over the Realms of Men.

Tall walls that rival those of Myrefall stand between Dun Alsfell and any potential attacker. There are only two entrances to the base, which are guarded at all times.


As stated above, there are 50 Sergeants that each command a troop of 100. These sergeants and their men serve as the eyes and ears of the General, though it isn't to say that corruption isn't possible.

Many sergeants have realized that their current position is the highest achievable within their lifetime, a realization which invites complacency and disregard for broken laws. Unless something directly inconveniences them, many sergeants just shrug and continue drinking.

The combination of lax policing and a hard life working in Mines of Farum has resulted in a society where petty crime is frequent and expected. Better keep your valuables close and your wits even closer in Dun Alsfell.


Dun Alsfell sees import of some goods from the North, like dairy from Overhill and fabrics from Norbury. There isn't much that the dwarves require that they don't produce, as they are a proud people. Dun Alsfell instead sees massive quantities of exported metals from the Mines of Farum.

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