Jade Syndicate


The Jade Syndicate was a peaceful organization created by King Arthur Mountgnomery for the purpose of educating the population of Irondeep about the outside world. The original name was The Critical Thinkerers, but the group was later labelled the Jade Syndicate in an effort to tarnish their image.

Civil War

Arthur's brother, then King Terrence Mountgnomery was immediately confrontational towards the group, labeling the group as criminals who would destroy Irondeep's way of life. Refusing to back down, they took to the streets and held several peaceful protests. They gathered a lot of attention, and even gained the support of the majority of the population. It was then that previous King Terrence decided to deal with the threat to his lifestyle via force. The Royal Army started making arrests, inciting violence at protests and even arresting anyone who openly showed support. Things eventually escalated, and a full blown civil war erupted. In order to defend themselves from the aggressive Royal Army, the Jade Syndicate manufactured weapons that used Raw Green Crystals, hence the name.

Over the course of a month, the civil war killed roughly 1450 Rock Gnomes in Irondeep . The Jade Syndicate retreated deep into old mines where they hid from the Royal Army, bidding their time. However, they were hardly safe; a surprise attack from the Royal Army was set to occur the very day that The Order of the Keepers met with the Syndicate. Additionally, Corrupted Deep Gnomes were actively attacking the hideout.


Thankfully, The Order of the Keepers came up with a plan to overthrow then King Terrence before the Jade Syndicate could be attacked. The Keepers would infiltrate the Royal Throne Room and take the King's Guard out and imprison the King, at which point the Jade Syndicate would simultaneously be leading a surprise attack on the Irondeep Royal Palace .

This plan went surprisingly well, aside from the fact that Lambell Mountgnomery was accidentally killed during the siege. As a result of the successful coup, King Arthur Mountgnomery was instated as King of Irondeep. Terrence Mountgnomery was sentenced to life in the Irondeep Dungeons for incitement of violence, mass murder, unlawful imprisonment, and conspiring against the interests of the common people.


After the successful coup, the Jade Syndicate disbanded. King Arthur focused his efforts on rebuilding the trust of the people of Irondeep. All Raw Green Crystal weapons were destroyed.
Illicit, Syndicate


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