new story hooks by character

  • Story hook 1: Oska, technically a member of Alltafri House, has been told to clean out an old townhouse previously occupied by an Alltafri wizard. If she clears out any possible summoned monsters and leftover magic gone sour, she can use it as her own house. As decent behaviour for Maveren goes, sex work is fine, but living in a hotel is embarrassing to the whole House.
  • Story hook 2: Madhu has heard a rumour of a divine spring somewhere in the wetlands up the peninsula. This is her actual mission from the nuns. Madhu insists she check it out, but first step is to find out where it is.
  • Story hook 1: The Leandil gig. The nearby island called Leandil is home to Erling House's herd of aurochs. Some monster from the mainland has been hunting and eating them; Erling House has gotten together a hunting party to deal with it.
  • Story hook 2: Separate or combined with this, Addiana from the Swallowtail Opera company asks Orian to ethically source spell ingredients for her.
  • Story hook 1: The Leandil gig, another perspective. The Erling seniors are meeting on Leandil—ostensibly for a hunting party, but only the elders and decision-makers in the House will be there, obviously to talk privately about something. Saturday suspects it's about Erling-himself returning to Malfa. Saturday is persona non grata with the elders of his House, so he prods Lorenzo to go find out what's up with Erling coming back to Malfa
  • Story hook 2: Lemon Grim, a goblin noble from the mountain kingdom of Five Bells, has approached Billy and Hye; she wants to find some knowledge about something she thinks is going on in Five Bells.
  • Story hook 1: Recurring: some old associates from the dockside underworld give Virik a deal he can't refuse: make himself useful by burgling or finding blackmail leverage on some of the rich people he's hanging out with now. Possible targets include:
    • The old abandoned Alltafri house (see Oska's stories). Must be some good stuff lying around in there, a good low-risk option.
    • Erling Sattr's townhouse. That prick deserves to have some of his trophies stolen.
    • Valdas House. What's up with the new Maveren in town? Can she be leveraged into supporting the Gentlepersons? A brand new House with a vote but no baggage seems like an opportunity.