The silver shores History of the Silver Shores Timeline
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History of the Silver Shores

A timelines showing all historical and major events leading up to and including currents happenings in the Silver Shores.

Current Date:

28th of Harvestmoond, 3250 C.R.

The Empire of Silver

The birth and rise of Celinad and it's empire which rules almost all of the western continent that would come to be known as the Silver Shores.

The Days of Death and Fire

2460 C.R. 2620 C.R.

Kataran barbarian hordes repeatedly pillage Galador.​ With the destruction of her mighty legions and capital city after the attack from the demonic legions, the Celinadion Empire disintegrated. The kingdoms of the Silver Shores were left undefended, so it was not long before the horde of nomadic horsemen of Kartar had discovered this, and soon great barbarian hordes swarmed westward. The lands of the Silver Shores were plundered repeatedly over the next century and a half. The wide plain which surrounded Daemons Cleft became so despoiled by the repeated passing of armies on foot and horseback that it was named “The Ruined March.” ​​

The Rise of Galador

2621 C.R. and beyond

After the fall of the Celinadian Empire, the former principalities of the Empire rebuild and become the individual nations and kingdoms of the Silver Shores.

  • 2848 C.R.

    18 Arcanum
    2868 C.R.

    30 Arcanum

    The Twenty Year War begins
    Military action

    ​The Empire of Vaszkysa invades Galador. The Twenty Years War begins.​

  • Circa 2865
    Vecna and Saint Cuthbert become gods
    Religious event

    Vecna enacts his plan to become a god. While his exact plan does not succeed, he kills Kestra and Agysus and aborbs their divine essesnce becoming the god of secrets, knowledge, and necromancy, a minor deity. To reward Saint Cuthbert for his heroic part in stopping Vecna's plan to destroy existence, he is raised to the status of minor deity.

  • Tempestfall 2868 C.R.
    The Twenty Year War Ends
    Military action

    Now without an emperor Vaszkysa is driven back, but not defeated. The Twenty Years War ends.