The Toreworld

Welcome to the Toreworld


Relevant stories:

Ink and Amberline series, Elysium Found series  

General World description:

Torus/Donut shaped world with ice/jutting sharp rocks and low gravity nearing the centre of the ring.  

World rules:

Every 500 years, the continents change after a great flood. Different forms of Magic also exist in this world.  


Huge storms around the centre make it difficult to travel across Tropics, with storm seasons meaning it's almost impossible. Around the edges of the ring (inner and outer) - light storms occur, and nearing the outer edges the light never goes past dawn.    


Due to the ring being tilted towards its nearest star, one continent gets more light than the other (Meraqia). The middle bands are warmest, and the outer bands are coolest. (So the hottest place on the planet would be centre-right, the coolest would be top/bottom left near (Drachental)  


Meddlemark, Meraqia, The Sky Islands  

Bodies of Water:

The Sky – known as the Long Sea in Meraqia or the (Great) Welkin in Western Meddlemark and the Empyrean in Meddlemark and the North Sky Islands  


Umqher Nei Samstrad Laros Molia Flom Jastel Tipran The Iasrum Astastan Bhufain Yagoya/Yagoye Hymbia Wallorstein Unt-Jorgaard Canaidon Haphzaris Azendipan Bluvia Zouerland Brassia Sokerewenia Drachental Gylarus Rhagonia Kielan City States Kingsland Dandergourd Principality of Falloway   Dominant species: Human   Defining feature/unique factor: Breakwater Gates /walls, donut shape , Deadwater Age   Toreworld World Basics Toreworld Physical and Historical Features Toreworld Magic and Magicians Toreworld People and Customs Toreworld Social Organisation Toreworld Commerce Trade and Public Life Toreworld Daily Life Toreworld Diplomacy Toreworld Country List Toreworld World Timeline Toreworld Military and Diplomacy Timeline Toreworld Technology Timeline Toreworld Cultural Timeline


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