Huhli dir Syndi

Huhli dir Syndi

General Description

As per area

The People

As per area

GM Notes

1-in-20 chance of The Youngest Avrou there with 2d8 + 10 elven bodyguards.   Rules for Qwibs coming to collect debt and the severity of what they're asked to do.  

Points of Interest



Rules for the Faction Game can be found here
  The Hixalings control Huhli dir Syndi with an iron fist, hunting and torturing any of The Under-Underground they're able to get their hands on.   But they have a good working relationship with the Old Boys, who get along well with the qwibs are able to ply their vile trade without much interference as the qwibs work as a bank, giving out loans to those wishing to trade in human flesh.  






General Info

Gen. Demographics

Total Pop: ~200 transient, 50 permanent

Transient Nations Breakdown

Loch (Knach) 1 - 61
Meedt (Knach) 60 - 85
Elf 86 - 96
Orc (Jopvi's Horde) 97 - 98
Hiewia (Knach) 99
Other: 100

Transient Religion Breakdown

The Brotherhood 1 - 87
The True Way (Ancestor Cult) 88 - 96
Ancestor Cult 97 - 98
Cult of the Father 99
Other: 100



  • Debt-Holder Hixa
  • Vassals






  • Ancient

  • Inspirations

    This section is just a freeform area to jot down inspirations as they strike so they're not forgotten when it's time to fit out the article more fully or update it.

  • Regional Map

    North Wisthulz

    Table of Contents


    Black Brothers

    Visiters often get ferried from the Black Brother's Camp. who tend to frequent the place.


    The elves of the Byrgilfin are indebt to the qwibs here due to the vices of their leader, The Youngest Avrou.

    False Swamp

    When someone refuses to make a payment on their debt or pays off their debt, the qwibs of Huhli dir Syndi throw them into the False Swamp.


    There is a huge problem with lumberjacks from Kystinlagir sneaking out to Huhli dir Syndi, getting in trouble or showing up late.


    Those from Prensuchdt gain a credit when they first get to Huhli dir Syndi which they can spend on their vices. The qwibs won't tell you when you've exhausted that credit and start to rack up a debt that they can later call on.  


    Why Here?

    The coast allows good access to trade and it's in a no-man's land (or it was).   It also allows them to escape into the swap easily.

    What Does the Village Provide?

    All vices and sins imaginable, allow with escape and indulging in the fantasy: a moment of pleasure in a world of pain.

    What Does It Lack?

    Food: it gets it via transportation with Prensuchdt

    What Threatens It?

    Other powers and factions hate them.
    Brynholder Clan because of the corruption (that isn't theirs).
    Black Brothers because they're competing in the same market
    Byrgilfin due to their leader.   And it generally compromises people.

    How does it Protect Itself?

    Having a lot of escape plans, being out of the way, and bribery and corruption.

    What Are the Norms?

    Traditions, Beliefs, Religions, etc. What does the average person value? What are its Traditions? What beliefs does everyone have? What are the major and minor religions? How do the people see themselves?


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